Business Development Alex Batdorf Business Development Alex Batdorf

How Startups Crash & Burn! ⛔🔥with Candice Cook, Attorney & Chief Strategy Officer

Learn from Candice Cook, Attorney & Chief Strategy Officer.

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Hey, It's Alex!

🍵 Here's Your Weekly Tea

I ride HARD for women-identifying entrepreneurs. Periodt. I love you enough to keep it , always. So I say this with soooo much love… STOP WAITING UNTIL YOU’RE READY! Last week I had a convo with a founder about funding. I was willing to make an intro on their behalf BUT they resisted. They were more focused on their idea of what ready looked like instead of taking the conversation. Here’s the problem - we get in our feelings when we see “mediocre” bros snatching up opportunities. Here's the harsh pill to swallow... That bro may be mediocre but he didn’t wait until he thought he was “ready”. Instead, he shoot his shot and he got it because WE didn’t show up. I see the “ready illusion” at an exponentially higher rate in women than men. I get it... A. We’ve been socialized in perfection and B. Perfectionism messes with our mindset making us think we're not good enough as we are, where we are. It's a sh!tty cycle.

So it's up to us to help each other out. Here's some homework

  1. This week, identify 1 thing you’ve been “waiting to be ready for” in your business and explore how to get it done.

  2. Give yourself a deadline.  

  3. Reach out to 3 founder friends and let them know. #AccountabilityIsEverythang

It’s ok to be scared but you’re going to be scared whether you wait or not. So show up for yourself and see what’s on the other side. Shoot your shot, queen! <3

Let's get into your weekly briefing!


Founder: Candice Cook | Company: RadicalMedia | Location: New York, NY

Receipts: Candice Smith is a groundbreaking business attorney and trademark strategist for helping to change the way businesses and entrepreneurs operate. She has a professional range that includes dealing with high-profile matters and crisis management.

Here's your traction playbook...

How Did The Crisis Start?

Lack of Ownership & Accountability - Continuous lack of ownership and accountability from startup founders and those in the ecosystem led to the crisis. We've gotten so accustomed to seeing people win by going against the book that when it's our turn, we replicate the process creating a negative culture that becomes entrenched in the system. We now have more and more people willing to go against their values and beliefs as long as they can achieve their bottom line.

What Have The Outcomes Been?

Failing Companies - Because of this, companies continue to crash and burn. Although founders and CEOs have freedom to execute, this freedom should not be mistaken for a lack of accountability. As Candice Cook says in the podcast, "Climbing in a silo will climb you into a mistake for your business." Independent decision-making will have you pivoting when you don't need to. It will have you making decisions that don't reflect your consumers needs and wants.

What Can Be Done?

Form An Advisory Board - "The first thing that is the most important for a founder is to know exactly who their board of advisors are. Not necessarily their board in terms of investors but who are the people who are serving as almost guardrails as this baby comes to fruition." Candice Cook. Who are your advisors? Who are you sharing business decisions with? As much we are experts in our field, there is still so much more we can learn and from various perspectives. A diverse board is a board made up of people from different walks of life, different stages in business and different upbringings. Diversity will be your company's strength.

Support Candice in Scaling Impact: Follow Candice on twitter at candicesc1 and on Instagram at candicesc1of1 to learn more about her and what she does.

TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

  • Your Team’s Orgasmic Operations® Support: Learn how to define roles for your team so you can successfully handle project management, team communication, etc. Secure your spot here.

  • Mental Health Circle: How to Develop Self-Care Skills: Join us for our monthly self-care series. This month- we walk through the necessary skills you need to develop self-care. Secure your spot here.

  • LIVE Office Hours & AMA: Come to ask questions and get feedback on how to set up and scale your company operations. Secure your spot here.

  • Set Yourself Up For Growth From Day One In Your Business: Learn how to set yourself up to scale your impact from the very start of your business, and do it on your own terms. Secure your spot here.

  • Startup Leaders: Here's How To Form An Advisory Board: Here is the complete guide to forming and managing an advisory board.

  • 6 Things To Check When A Startup's Accountability Decline: Accountability is often overlooked when assessing productivity - but it affects every facet of your company. Here are 6 things to look out for when you feel it slipping in your organization.

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Join our community membership waitlist here.


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How She Built A Billion Dollar AND Multi-Million Dollar Brands; Tap Into Your Customers' Needs; Building an Authentic Brand with Elyce Arons, Founder Frances Valentine & Co-founder Kate Spade

Learn from Elyce Arons, Founder & CEO of Frances Valentine and Co-Founder of Kate Spade.

You're viewing an archive of Get Sh!t Done Weekly Email Traction Briefings. Join free to receive your weekly 5-minute growth playbooks & grow alongside thousands of entrepreneurs

Hey, It's Alex! 💛

Welcome to your Weekly Traction Briefing - your 5-min weekly growth playbook where we break down what's happening in business, how to Get Sh!t Done, and how to grow. If this briefing is helpful to you, share it with your friends so they can grow with you & thousands of other entrepreneurs.


We need women in the semiconductor space! There’s a shortage and government shmoney is flowing freely to solve the problem. The Biden administration is providing $40B in subsidies to manufacturers. Why? Taiwan currently produces 90%. You can learn more and apply here. Another FTX founder pled guilty to fraud. Yet, the main a**hole still has not Suprise, Suprise! Clearly, this speaks to the audacity and further proof that he's a fraud. In other privileged news, some dude tested how pattern matching is cat nip for investors using an AI-generated white male face with some other benchmarks like "Stanford dropout", "Going through YC". Homeboy's fake profile got VC outreach in 24 hours ready to invest. The eye-roll I have ready for any VC's that say they don't do pattern matching is probably not good for my health. My eyes damn near roll out of my head

🤗BECOME A MEMBER: Ready to grow your business? Join a powerful, hyper-connected, and supportive community helping you grow your business, reduce overwhelm, and teaching you how to hit goals consistently. Explore our membership HERE. Accepting New Members for Q1 2023 until March 31st.

👑 Founder: Elyce Arons | Company: Frances Valentine & Kate Spade | Location: New York, NY

🧾 Receipts:  From Kate Spade to Frances Valentine, Elyce Arons is a 35-year fashion veteran. She has successfully launched a wholesale apparel business with majors and specialty accounts and has so far opened 6 extremely successfully retail locations across the country..


What She Learned from Kate Spade that She Brought to Frances Valentine

Be As Scrappy As Possible - "Don’t spend any money unless it’s on product development. Be as scrappy as you can." - Elyce Arons. Elyce's biggest take away from helping run two multi-million dollar fashion brands is to be scrappy - especially in the beginning when funding is scarce and money is tight. Your product or service is the foundation of your company, and it should be your top priority. Every dollar you spend should go toward improving your product, adding features, or testing and validating your idea. Learn how she's done it twice HERE.

: Learn how she bootstrapped an e-commerce business to 20X growth HERE.

How to Stay On Top Of Your Customers' Needs

Keep Your Ears On The Ground - "Be in touch with your customer. I try to go to the stores as often as I can and hang out in the stores because customers will come and tell you exactly what they want." - Elyce Arons. If you want to build a business that customers love, you need to tune in and listen to their needs. By putting your ears to the ground and staying connected with your customers, you'll be able to anticipate their needs, improve your offerings, and build a loyal customer base. HERE's how Elyce does this.

🛠️ MORE TOOLS TO GET IT DONE: Learn 7 effective methods to identify and meet your customers' needs HERE.

How to Grow A Multi-Million Dollar Brand In A Difficult Economy

Stay True To Your Brand - "We have been true to our brand. We aim to be unique, different and fun. It’s product, product, product - I think that makes all the difference in the world " - Elyce Arons. In a world where there is increasing competition for the same products and services - being authentic and sticking to their core values has helped Frances Valentine consistently grow. By being true to their brand identity, they have been able to attract a loyal customer base that values your unique offering and is willing to invest in your business.  Learn more HERE.

🛠️ MORE TOOLS TO GET IT DONE :Learn how to build brand authenticity (+ why it's important) HERE.


  • Thursday, March 9th @ 6pm EST: Make Sh!t Funny: How to Use Humor In Business & Get More Done Happy Hour with Gold Comedy Club. RSVP

  • Wednesday, March 15th @ 1pm EST: How to NOT Suck at Pitching Your Startup. RSVP

  • Thursday, March 23rd @ 1pm EST: Q2 2023 Planning Party: Create Your Growth Strategy, Plan & KPIs. RSVP

  • Wednesday, March 29th @ 1pm EST: Ethical Storytelling for Founders: How to Sell Your Vision with Confidence. RSVP

  • Thursday, March 30th @ 7pm EST: Tea & Town Hall ☕. RSVP


Learn how to find, pitch & secure the bag from investors.
Learn how to scale by mastering different growth channels in the Traction Library.

🤗 BECOME A MEMBER: Ready to grow you? Join a powerful, hyper-connected, and supportive network helping you grow your business, reduce overwhelm, and teaching you how to hit goals consistently. Explore our membership HERE.


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With Love & Impact,

Alex Batdorf
Chief Get Sh!t Done Officer


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Marketing, Business Development Alex Batdorf Marketing, Business Development Alex Batdorf

Learn Customer Acquisition Unit Economics, 7-Figures Bootstrapped Before Raising Capital with Lauren Nagel, founder Scale It For Me LLC.)

Learn from Lauren Nagel, founder Scale It For Me, LLC.

You're viewing an archive of Get Sh!t Done Weekly Email Traction Briefings. Join free to receive your weekly 5-minute growth playbooks & grow alongside thousands of entrepreneurs

Hey, It's Alex!

🍵 Here's Your Weekly Tea

I’m sure you’re probably tired of hearing about the same ol’ guys getting funding. You know - Steve from Stanford. There’s a reason Steve from Stanford keeps getting funding. No, it's not what people usually complain about. I’m going to be hella real with you and you’re probably not gonna like the reality but here goes... It’s VERY rare for founders to get a deal off of an "idea" from institutional investors. There’s a HUGE difference between VCs and friends and family - don't conflate the two. In the rare chance when a "napkin deal" happens, it’s typically because that founder had a prior exit and/or has successfully fundraised before.  Can I let you in on something else? Founders who successfully fundraise signal or show investors that they can successfully raise another round because that's the name of the game. Once you raise, many founders keep raising until an exit. It's exhausting AF. How is fundraising ability signaled to investors? Through your network. Stanford Steve has access to a network that has the money to invest in the next round. Annoying? Yeah. But it is what it is. So what can you do? "Well if you don’t have that network, then you will have to raise capital on the merit of your business. That’s a higher bar to clear and requires more work and often bootstrapping." Aren't you happy Get Sh!t Done is all about that #Traction?  Get the fundraising

Let's get into your weekly briefing!


Founder: Lauren Nagel | Company: Scale It For Me, LLC | Location: San Jose, CA

Receipts: A marketing Queen and serial entrepreneur, Lauren Nagel has led marketing departments and has also scaled her business to the millions - even before seeking any funding. She's been able to do this by implementing scrappy marketing and understanding customer acquisition.

Here's your traction playbook...

How To Master Organic Marketing

Find The Voice Of Authority: Lauren Nagel's strategy for successful organic marketing is pretty straightforward. She looks for voices of authority within a specific industry. And by voices of authority, she doesn't mean traditional brand ambassadors, but rather people within the industry whose judgement and advise is trusted and sort after. People whose stamp of approval means everything. By acquiring this group of people, she is able to influence others to jump on board with her idea. Learn here how they use this strategy.

How To Validate Your Concept & Save Money

Cut Off The Middle-Man & Go Directly To Your Customers: Interview the users of your product at scale, i.e. interview as many people as possible. The best way to know if your product/service actually serves a purpose is by speaking to who it will serve. Although research from other sources is still necessary, the only way to validate your concept is by speaking and listening to your target customers. Here's how Lauren and Scale It For Me did this.

How To Lower Your Customer Acquisition Cost

Understand Your Unit Economics: - "The kind of holy grail is this LTV to CAC ratio, and you want an LTV to CAC ratio of 3:1 or greater. If your LTV to CAC is below that number stop. Reevaluate your product, create more value so you can charge more or go into a less expensive way to acquire your customer." - Lauren Nagel. The best way to know if your customer acquisition strategy makes sense is by understanding your unit economics. Get granular and find out how much is would cost to acquire one customer. Do the math. If the math doesn't add up, change your strategy and find cheaper ways to go about customer acquisition. Learn here which numbers you need to look out for when building your customer acquisition strategy.

Support Lauren in Scaling Impact: If interested, try out FindKeep.Love as an advertising platform, or simply tell your friends about their services.

TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

  • Orgasmic Operations® = Pleasurable Profits: Learn how operations play into the client-facing side of business - sales, onboarding, user experience, etc. Secure your spot here.

  • Your Team’s Orgasmic Operations® Support: Learn how to define roles for your team so you can successfully handle project management, team communication, etc. Secure your spot here.

  • LIVE Office Hours & AMA: Come to ask questions and get feedback on how to set up and scale your company operations. Secure your spot here.

  • Set Yourself Up For Growth From Day One In Your Business: Learn how to set yourself up to scale your impact from the very start of your business, and do it on your own terms. Secure your spot here.

  • The Ultimate Guide to Calculating, Understanding, and Improving CAC in 2022: CAC is an important business metric. If you want to earn a profit while increasing your customer base, learn more here.

  • Focus On The Unit Economics: Here's how our Queen Millie Tadewaldt focuses on positive unit economics to fuel scale of a multi-million dollar empire without funding.

  • Validate Your Idea: Tiffany Dufu validated her concept with a landing page. Find out how here.

  • Benefits of Brand Ambassador Marketing: Here's why your business could benefit from brand ambassador marketing.

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Join our community membership waitlist here.


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Marketing, Business Development Alex Batdorf Marketing, Business Development Alex Batdorf

She Bootstrapped to $100M Valuation (NO VC) 😱 How to Scale Storytelling & Sales with Stephanie Nadi Olson, founder We Are Rosie

Learn from Stephanie Nadi Olson, founder We Are Rosie

You're viewing an archive of Get Sh!t Done Weekly Email Traction Briefings. Join free to receive your weekly 5-minute growth playbooks & grow alongside thousands of entrepreneurs

Hey, It's Alex!

🍵 Here's Your Weekly Tea

Cardi B should be a case study on how to amplify others in business. The quintessential of "don’t talk about it, be about it." From Meg the Stallion to Normani to GloRilla. Here’s what I love about how Cardi moves - she’s unapologetically all that she is while making room for others. This is unfortunately rare in startups where we are socialized to be paranoid about "competition" and cutting each other down. The beauty of Cardi B’s collaborations is in how she speaks love into them. Many of the women she has collaborated with in the last couple of years have leveraged her star power to move ahead but she doesn’t hold that over them. On the contrary, she uses her platform to talk them up and tells the world why they deserve to be there. I rarely see this in the music industry, let alone business. None of us rise without others speaking love into us and into rooms we wouldn’t otherwise have been considered for. Remember Cardi B the next time someone needs you to speak love into them. There’s enough room for us all. Stop holding your breath.

Let's get into your weekly briefing!


Founder: Stephanie Nadi Olson | Company: We Are Rosie | Location: Atlanta, GA

Receipts: After quitting her job, Stephanie went on to create a multi-million dollar platform that connects big brands to top-notch marketers. Her success has largely come from her amazing ability to use storytelling in her sales and marketing to help her close deals and get the word out there.

Here's your traction playbook...

How To Master Sales Through Storytelling

Learn How To Tell Your Story:  "The best sales is storytelling and it’s really conversational. You don’t need to go read a book about how to sell. Go learn how to tell a story, go learn how to be really engaging in conversation, go do improv, go figure out how to listen to to people really well." - Stephanie Nadi Olson. While many people assume there's a playbook on how to be a great salesperson, they often forget the human element that comes with selling. Learning how to convey your messaging in a way that resonates and paints a picture will perhaps be the greatest sales skill you'll ever gain. Learn how Stephanie Nadi uses storytelling to boost her sales here.

How To Use Organic Marketing

Never Underestimate The Power of Word-of-Mouth: Have you ever had an experience that was so good you just had to tell your friends about it? Whether it's a new service or a new restaurant, your seal of approval would probably influence their future decisions on the same experience. Word of mouth is one of the most powerful ways that you can use to advertise your business. The key to great word of mouth marketing is providing consistently exceptional service to your customers so you are always their first referral. Here's how We Are Rosie leveraged WOMM to grow their business by 60% in one year.

How To Get People On Board With Your Vision

Communicate Your Why: We hear it all the time, define your why. The importance of having a clear why for your business is that it makes people understand you and your motivation for running your business. It is the best way to draw in not only partners, but also employees who are excited about your vision and mission for the company. Your why draws out empathy and also helps you get to your what. Here is more on Stephanie's why and how it influenced We Are Rosie's growth.

Support Stephanie in Scaling Impact: If you know any marketers who could use We Are Rosie, please send them their way!

TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

  • Your Team's Orgasmic Operations Support: This session will talk about how to define roles for your team to handle things like project management, team communication, knowledge base, etc. Secure your spot here.

  • Set Yourself Up For Growth From Day One In Your Business: Learn how to set yourself up to scale your impact from the very start of your business, and do it on your own terms. Secure your spot here.

  • Effectively Use Word-of-Mouth Marketing To Scale: Here's how our Queen Ceata Lash used WOMM to scale to 7 figures

  • Tips On How To Use Storytelling In Sales: Storytelling can help you hit your sales quotas faster. Learn how to use it here.

  • How To Draft Your Why Statement: Learn how to effectively communicate your purpose here.

  • Master Sales: Learn how fellow Queen Stephanie Neale bootstrapped a 7-figure consultancy and mastered sales here.

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Join our community membership waitlist here.


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Marketing, Business Development Alex Batdorf Marketing, Business Development Alex Batdorf

How to Diversify Revenue & Operationalize to Grow a $Multi-Million Business with Elisa Camahort Page, founder BlogHer Inc.

Learn from Elisa Camahort, founder of BlogHer Inc.

You're viewing an archive of Get Sh!t Done Weekly Email Traction Briefings. Join free to receive your weekly 5-minute growth playbooks & grow alongside thousands of entrepreneurs

Hey, It's Alex!

🍵 Here's Your Weekly Tea

Go Fast. Break Things.”  I’m sure you’ve heard this. We live in a microwave culture. We want things instantly. But here’s the thing about instant - it’s never that good. The startup space emulates this mentality. An analysis was done on when startups scale. Fun Fact: On average, it takes a company 49 months to start scaling. They found that startups that scale too early, fail. In addition, startups that scale fast are no more likely to succeed than their slower scaling counterparts. For most early-stage companies, scale shouldn’t be the focal point. Experimenting should be. The problem early-stage companies face when obsessing about scale results in a failure to experiment in pursuit of finding silver bullets. I’ll save you time - there are no silver bullets in the startup game. What worked for someone else, may not work for you. So stop obsessing over scale and get out there and experiment.

Let's get into your weekly briefing!


Founder: Elisa Camahort Page | Company: BlogHer Inc.    | Location: San Jose, CA

Receipts: Elisa is an OG influencer, way before influencers were a thing. By productizing her business and diversifying her revenue streams, she was able to build a media company, raise $20M and exit.

Here's your traction playbook...

How To Grow Your Revenue

Diversify, Diversify, Diversify: Did you know diversifying your revenue streams is a great way to minimize business risk? Finding creative and innovative ways to serve your existing customers means that you can give them what they want and need while not depending on one revenue source. For Elisa and BlogHer, that meant launching a web community, hosting conferences, starting a publishing network and so much more. Learn how they were able to scale their business using this strategy here.

How To Successfully Productize Your Services

What Do Your Customers Actually Want?: "These were all products that served our business, and served our customer and served our brand." - Elisa Camahort Page. What is the secret to successful productization? Finding out what your customers really want and finding different ways to provide them with services/products that will serve them. That involves deep research, speaking to them and actively listening. A good product solves a pain in a repeatable way. Get down in the ground and find out what your customers are saying and what they want.

How To Find The Right Investors

Look for Passionate Money: Find investors who believe in you and what you're doing. Investors who are aligned with your company's vision and mission. Your business will definitely pivot and change with the seasons, but your investors need to have faith in your leadership ability to navigate through those changes.  You need investors who are willing to weather the changes with you.

Support Elisa in Scaling Impact: Find out more about what Elisa and The Cru does here.

TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

  • Time Management for Founders: Learn how to successfully manage your time so you can do more. Join us here.

  • Diversify Your Revenue Streams: Too many eggs in one basket? Learn how to diversify your revenue streams here.

  • Productize Your Consulting Service: Get the ultimate guide here.

  • Increase Revenues By 30%: Find out here how Susan Perlman increased revenues by 30% for her company.

  • Create an Operational Model That Works: Learn how to create a business model with accurate operating costs here.

  • Productize To 8-Figures: Gloria Hwang scaled a passion project to an 8-figure productized business. Learn here.

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Join our community membership waitlist here.


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Marketing, Business Development Alex Batdorf Marketing, Business Development Alex Batdorf

Master Connections = Build A Multi-Million Dollar Business - Here's How She Did It with Susan McPherson, founder McPherson Strategies

Learn from Susan McPherson, founder of McPherson Strategies.

You're viewing an archive of Get Sh!t Done Weekly Email Traction Briefings. Join free to receive your weekly 5-minute growth playbooks & grow alongside thousands of entrepreneurs

Hey, It's Alex!

🍵 Here's Your Weekly Tea

"We cannot be what we cannot see." Last week, the founder of Patagonia put his money where his mouth is and showed us what scaling generational impact can look like. Here’s the thing - your business will NOT save the world. Many startups seeking cash tend to partake in saviorism tactics because it makes who they’re pitching to "feel good" and quite frankly, it’s an ego boost. If done well, your company can serve - not save. However, what happens when many companies focus on serving the collective? That’s where impact lives. Toxic capitalism and the people who benefit from it, want the current system to stay in place and will tell you that what Yvon Chouinard has done with Patagonia "will not work". News flash - the current system doesn't work for 99%. Can Patagonia as a company by itself end climate change? No. But the intentional action by its founder gave us a new model of impact we can see to envision what we can become. When we start seeing, more of us can start being. That’s impact.

Let's get into your weekly briefing!


Founder: Susan McPherson | Company: McPherson Strategies | Location: New York, NY

Receipts: Susan is a connections wizard! She started and scaled a multi-million dollar business utilizing her strong connections, great sales techniques and hiring a winning team.

Here's your traction playbook...

How Successful Founders Get Sh!t Done

Develop The Lost Art of Connecting: "I believe the fundamental difference between networking and connecting is leading with how you can be helpful to others. And when you’re helpful to others, the help comes back." There's a lot that goes into developing a strong business connection. Similar to how you would approach personal relationships, fostering strong business connections depends on what you can do improve the life of the people you are connecting with. When was the last time you spoke to someone who made it all about them? Wasn't fun was it?

How To Build A Business Quickly

Invest In Good People: You're great at what you do - but you can't kill it at everything. Part of Susan's quick success was finding a team that could do what she couldn't and do it amazingly. While she's great at building connections, she didn't want to get stuck in the minutia of building a business. The result was quick growth that contributed to her company's success.

How To Close A Sale

Look for Signals: To successfully close a sale, you need to be a master conversationalist. That means learning to listen intently. In your listening, look for signals of your prospect's hopes and dreams because if you can be able to deliver some of their hopes and dreams then they will buy anything from you. Of course only promise to deliver what you actually can.

Support Susan in Scaling Impact: If you know any organizations looking for help with impact focused communication, send them their way. To learn more about her successful networking strategies, get her book here!

TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

  • Mental Health Circle: The Last 100 Days of 2022 - Preventing Exhaustion: Learn how to effectively manage the pressure and expectations that come from career and entrepreneurship. Join us here.

  • Time Management for Founders: Learn how to successfully manage your time so you can do more. Join us here.

  • What is a Buying Signal?: Understand when your prospect is ready and willing to buy here.

  • Build Authentic Business Relationships: Learn here how to build business relationships that are mutually beneficial.

  • Identify The Right Hires: Learn here how our Queen Kaitlyn Knopp was able to find the right team to help her scale her business.

  • Building Mutually Beneficial Partnerships: Tanya Van Court built a fintech platform primarily by fostering her relationships. Learn how here.

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Join our community membership waitlist here.


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