She Bootstrapped to $100M Valuation (NO VC) 😱 How to Scale Storytelling & Sales with Stephanie Nadi Olson, founder We Are Rosie

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Cardi B should be a case study on how to amplify others in business. The quintessential of "don’t talk about it, be about it." From Meg the Stallion to Normani to GloRilla. Here’s what I love about how Cardi moves - she’s unapologetically all that she is while making room for others. This is unfortunately rare in startups where we are socialized to be paranoid about "competition" and cutting each other down. The beauty of Cardi B’s collaborations is in how she speaks love into them. Many of the women she has collaborated with in the last couple of years have leveraged her star power to move ahead but she doesn’t hold that over them. On the contrary, she uses her platform to talk them up and tells the world why they deserve to be there. I rarely see this in the music industry, let alone business. None of us rise without others speaking love into us and into rooms we wouldn’t otherwise have been considered for. Remember Cardi B the next time someone needs you to speak love into them. There’s enough room for us all. Stop holding your breath.

Let's get into your weekly briefing!


Founder: Stephanie Nadi Olson | Company: We Are Rosie | Location: Atlanta, GA

Receipts: After quitting her job, Stephanie went on to create a multi-million dollar platform that connects big brands to top-notch marketers. Her success has largely come from her amazing ability to use storytelling in her sales and marketing to help her close deals and get the word out there.

Here's your traction playbook...

How To Master Sales Through Storytelling

Learn How To Tell Your Story:  "The best sales is storytelling and it’s really conversational. You don’t need to go read a book about how to sell. Go learn how to tell a story, go learn how to be really engaging in conversation, go do improv, go figure out how to listen to to people really well." - Stephanie Nadi Olson. While many people assume there's a playbook on how to be a great salesperson, they often forget the human element that comes with selling. Learning how to convey your messaging in a way that resonates and paints a picture will perhaps be the greatest sales skill you'll ever gain. Learn how Stephanie Nadi uses storytelling to boost her sales here.

How To Use Organic Marketing

Never Underestimate The Power of Word-of-Mouth: Have you ever had an experience that was so good you just had to tell your friends about it? Whether it's a new service or a new restaurant, your seal of approval would probably influence their future decisions on the same experience. Word of mouth is one of the most powerful ways that you can use to advertise your business. The key to great word of mouth marketing is providing consistently exceptional service to your customers so you are always their first referral. Here's how We Are Rosie leveraged WOMM to grow their business by 60% in one year.

How To Get People On Board With Your Vision

Communicate Your Why: We hear it all the time, define your why. The importance of having a clear why for your business is that it makes people understand you and your motivation for running your business. It is the best way to draw in not only partners, but also employees who are excited about your vision and mission for the company. Your why draws out empathy and also helps you get to your what. Here is more on Stephanie's why and how it influenced We Are Rosie's growth.

Support Stephanie in Scaling Impact: If you know any marketers who could use We Are Rosie, please send them their way!

TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

  • Your Team's Orgasmic Operations Support: This session will talk about how to define roles for your team to handle things like project management, team communication, knowledge base, etc. Secure your spot here.

  • Set Yourself Up For Growth From Day One In Your Business: Learn how to set yourself up to scale your impact from the very start of your business, and do it on your own terms. Secure your spot here.

  • Effectively Use Word-of-Mouth Marketing To Scale: Here's how our Queen Ceata Lash used WOMM to scale to 7 figures

  • Tips On How To Use Storytelling In Sales: Storytelling can help you hit your sales quotas faster. Learn how to use it here.

  • How To Draft Your Why Statement: Learn how to effectively communicate your purpose here.

  • Master Sales: Learn how fellow Queen Stephanie Neale bootstrapped a 7-figure consultancy and mastered sales here.

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Join our community membership waitlist here.



Learn Customer Acquisition Unit Economics, 7-Figures Bootstrapped Before Raising Capital with Lauren Nagel, founder Scale It For Me LLC.)


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