Go-To-Market, Funding, Marketing Alex Batdorf Go-To-Market, Funding, Marketing Alex Batdorf

How to Use Organic Marketing to Scale to 7-Figures; Finding Your Target Audience; Owning Your Marketing Data with Ceata Lash, Founder PuffCuff

Learn from Ceata Lash, Founder of PuffCuff.

You're viewing an archive of Get Sh!t Done Weekly Email Traction Briefings. Join free to receive your weekly 5-minute growth playbooks & grow alongside thousands of entrepreneurs

Hey, It's Alex! ๐Ÿ’›

Welcome to your Weekly Traction Briefing - your 5-min weekly growth playbook where we break down what's happening in business, how to Get Sh!t Done, and how to grow. If this briefing is helpful to you, share it with your friends so they can grow with you & thousands of other entrepreneurs.


I think we should all breathe a bit. Seeing how some stepped up for SVB makes me a bit hopeful. To be fair, many of these other banks will have a stellar quarter from companies and individuals moving money. What we do NOT want is there to be a high concentration in big banks. Regional banks are necessary. BUT there's still a huge problem and it disproportionately affects communities of color and regions with high rates of unbanking. SVB has a huge opportunity to diversify and not be so concentrated in tech. Quite frankly, I'm interested in seeing how non-big tech industries are innovating. Speaking of concentrated risk - only 5 people maintain Bitcoin. Only 1 is a woman. I think a lot about scaling unintended consequences. What happens when something gets so massive and there are only a few gatekeepers that don't look like you? The lack of women leadership seems to be spreading like wildfire. There are now NO women leading big tech companies. With departures of people like Susan Wojcicki and Sheryl Sandberg, Silicon Vallye is now an even bigger boys club. This isn't just a problem in big tech. High-profile leaders like Jacinda Arden are stepping down to prioritize themselves. I'm here for it but also worried. With all the progress being made, it seems like we're taking steps back. These women aren't the problem. Dissecting why women step down tells me that the system is suffocating them.

๐Ÿค—BECOME A MEMBER: Ready to grow your business? Join a powerful, hyper-connected, and supportive community helping you grow your business, reduce overwhelm, and teaching you how to hit goals consistently. Explore our membership HERE. Accepting New Members for Q1 2023 until March 31st.

๐Ÿ‘‘ Founder: Ceata Lash | Company: PuffCuff | Location: Marietta, GA

๐Ÿงพ Receipts:  From being a freelance graphic designer to building a 7-figure business, Ceata has used her husting skills to engineer her dream product and successfully brought it to market. She has now created a successful and well-known brand from nothing more than an idea.


Your Target Market Might Not Be Your Actual Market

Keep Testing - Testing is an essential part of product development and a great way to discover the reasons behind why people are attracted to your product. Through testing, you can get feedback from your target audience and use it to customize the features that matter most to them. It also allows you to identify any potential issues or concerns and make adjustments before launch. Taking the time to test your product can go a long way towards helping you better understand your target customers and ultimately find your product's perfect fit. Learn how PuffCuff did it HERE.

: 5 Steps to Find Your Target Audience(With Examples!) HERE.

Own Your Data

Build Over Buy - "Own as much of your data as you can - Own your customers - Ceata Lash. Owning your own data is an essential part of any successful marketing strategy. By collecting first-party data, you can personalize your messaging and create stronger connections with your target audience. Plus, having access to your own data can help you identify opportunities and generate reports so you understand your customers better. In the end, owning your own data allows you to diversify your marketing portfolio, maximize ROI, and ultimately boost conversions. HERE's how Ceata did it.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ MORE TOOLS TO GET IT DONE: Learn how small businesses can make data-driven marketing work HERE.

All Money Is Not Good Money

Be Selective When Seeking Funding - When it comes to accepting funding, it's important to be selective and have a strategic plan in place. It's essential to take into account not only the potential money you may receive but also the potential pressure and risk of losing ownership of your company. Building a strategy that includes an effective repayment plan can help ensure that accepting investment won't lead to a loss of control or ownership. Additionally, this strategy can help set you up for success as you scale your business. Learn more HERE.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ MORE TOOLS TO GET IT DONE: Understand your relationship with money HERE..


  • Thursday, March 23rd @ 1pm EST: Q2 2023 Planning Party: Create Your Growth Strategy, Plan & KPIs. RSVP

  • Wednesday, March 29th @ 1pm EST: Ethical Storytelling for Founders: How to Sell Your Vision with Confidence. RSVP

  • Thursday, March 30th @ 7pm EST: Tea & Town Hall โ˜•. RSVP


Learn PR for entrepreneurs, how to measure and understand the ROI of press, and how to DIY, etc.
Learn how to scale by mastering different growth channels in the Traction Library.

๐Ÿค— BECOME A MEMBER: Ready to grow you? Join a powerful, hyper-connected, and supportive network helping you grow your business, reduce overwhelm, and teaching you how to hit goals consistently. Explore our membership HERE.


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With Love & Impact,

Alex Batdorf
Chief Get Sh!t Done Officer


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Business Development, Funding Alex Batdorf Business Development, Funding Alex Batdorf

The Budgetnista's Business Financial Do's & Don'ts to Grow with Tiffany Aliche, Owner The Budgetnista

Learn from Tiffany Aliche, Owner of The Budgetnista.

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Long-term value in startups is lacking because founders are chasing predictions from institutions that extract value from them. Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ve heard this: "Crypto is the next big thing!" "Metaverse is the next big thing!" "AI is the next big thing!" Hereโ€™s what happensโ€ฆ A flurry of startups pop up or pivot to catch an artificial wave created by people who have typically never built anything but LOVE ideas. Of that flurry, a few companies are actually clear on how their company adds REAL value. Many create noise. Most of these companies remain stagnant OR raise a ton of money, then collapse. Ain't it funny that AI is the next โ€œbig predictionโ€? AI has been in these streets. BUT itโ€™s no coincidence that it's being pushed back to the forefront after the lights were turned on at the shiny object party where you realize nothing looks as good as it seems. Not to mention, someone running up a ridiculously expensive tab that you didn't even get to enjoy. And of course, it's not a rager until someone goes to prison . Itโ€™s perplexing how weโ€™ve created an ecosystem where the sheep are herding the visionaries that feed them. What if creators placed their own predictions and followed through on where we think we can create the most value instead of chasing artificial waves? 

Let's get into your weekly briefing!


Founder: Tiffany Aliche | Company: The Budgetnista | Location: Newark, NJ

Receipts: Award-winning teacher, author, financial educator and America's favorite financial educator has helped over one million women worldwide completely transform the way they think about their finances.

Here's your traction playbook...

Separate Business Finances From Personal Finances

Pay The Pig - "If your finances are not in order, you donโ€™t have enough runway to get your business to be successful."- Tiffany Aliche. A critical step in setting your business up for financial success is separating your personal finances from your business finances in the beginning. The best way to do that is by doing what Tiffany calls, paying the pig. Paying the pig is essentially making yourself an employee within your company and giving yourself a salary. If you are running a small business or a consultancy, it might not seem like a big deal to mix the two. However, the repercussions can be severe, especially as you grow your business. Here's one mistake Tiffany made early on and what she learned from it.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

Separate Your Personal And Business Finances Here's why you need to separate your finances early on. How small business owners self sabotage when it comes to tax compliance. Shiloh Johnson, Founder of Complyant, highlights the mistakes you should avoid here.

Get A Financial Professional On The Team Immediately

At The Very Least Get A Bookkeeper - Every business needs an accountant, or at the very least a good bookkeeper. Money matters never end. Taxes, payroll, cash flow, invoices etc. all add up. In the early days, nearly everything falls on the founder. Unfortunately if you're not a professional accountant, you might be making some expensive financial mistakes. Tax errors for example could cost you your business. Tiffany advises business owners to get a qualified financial professional as soon as possible. For her own business, that meant bringing on an accountant and eventually hiring a CFO who helped her company keep its finances in order and saved them a lot of money in the process.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...
Bookkeeping Vs Accounting. Here are the differences between bookkeeping and accounting. How To Build A Nationwide MULTI-MILLION Dollar Retail Business Here's how Kerry Docherty, Founder of Faherty Brand, mitigated challenges that came with running a business. eventually grow your customer base.

If You Can, Scale Without Taking On Investors

Be Okay With Moving Slowly - A large contributing factor to Tiffany's success in her several businesses is her willingness to move slowly. That gave her room to slowly finance her business through different growth stages without the need for outside investors. Moving slowly also gave her the opportunity to think outside the box. By starting a low overhead business, she was able to use the returns from that business to grow The Budgetnista to what it is today. Here is exactly how she implemented that strategy.

Support Tiffany in Scaling Impact: Check out the amazing work that The Budgetnista does here. You can also follow Tiffany's work here.

๐Ÿค“ ACCESS YOUR TRACTION LIBRARY: Whether you are struggling with a limited budget or donโ€™t know what channels to focus on, the Get Sh!t Done Traction Library is here to support you. Access your library here.

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Join our community membership waitlist here.


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Business Development, Funding Alex Batdorf Business Development, Funding Alex Batdorf

How To Achieve A 90% Referral Rate; Partnering with Influencers ; Growing to 7-Figure in 3 Years with Pamela Zapata, Founder & CEO Society 18

Learn from Pamela Zapata, Founder & CEO of Society 18.

You're viewing an archive of Get Sh!t Done Weekly Email Traction Briefings. Join free to receive your weekly 5-minute growth playbooks & grow alongside thousands of entrepreneurs

Hey, It's Alex!

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โ€œItโ€™s the most wonderful time of the year!!!โ€ I usually start listening to Xmas music in August I get childhood nostalgia. From Santa Clause coming through on his concrete-friendly sled in my neighborhood and slightly peeing my pants while my dad held my hand trying not to laugh. To rolling deep with my siblings and cousins to the super-rich neighborhoods with the Christmas lights extravaganza in the matching Chevy Nova vans my mom and uncle had. It was a wonderful time. However, I haven't felt that way this year. I'm tired AF and so is errrybody I talk to. We are in the Great Exhaustion. That child-like wonder I usually have this time of year has been dimmed. So I decided to do something about it. Over the long weekend, I started making a list of โ€œSh!t Iโ€™m Not Doing.โ€ This was for my personal life and business. It was liberating! On Monday, I started taking action and saying โ€œNoโ€. My light is slowly getting brighter. Whatโ€™s some sh!t you donโ€™t want to do anymore as we wind down 2022? Write it down. Start saying โ€œNoโ€. Do it for that kid in you <3

Let's get into your weekly briefing!


Founder: Pamela Zapata | Company: Society 18| Location: New York, NY

Receipts: With an extensive background in talent and influencer management, Pamela has worked with entertainment powerhouses like E! Entertainment and startups like Sweety High. She is considered one of the top 15 talent managers for micro influencers and she has leveraged her experience to create a 7-figure influencer management agency.

Here's your traction playbook...

How to Leverage Influencer Marketing When On A Budget

Target Nano & Micro-Influencers - Influencer marketing can be pretty expensive. Larger influencers charge an exorbitant amount for their work - and rightfully so. Unfortunately when starting out your business, you might not be able to afford those rates. However, nano and micro influencers can prove to be beneficial for small businesses. While they may not have as many numbers, their followers are usually loyal and trusting. That helps improve conversion rates and helps you build your own loyal community. Learn from the influencer guru herself here.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

What Is A Nano-Influencer? Here's is a quick overview of nano-influencers and their importance. How Building an Authentic Brand 5X'D Growth & Raised $10 Million. Here's how Rooshy Roy nailed influencer marketing and created loyal and dedicated customers.

How to Achieve A 90% Referral Rate

Do Great Work - "Word of mouth referral is the strongest form of marketing. Your best bet is to make sure you create a good product that people talk about it, and wanna buy it and wanna use it." - Pamela Zapata. Great work speaks for itself and markets itself. How many times have you bought a product simply because someone else had an amazing experience with it? That's the power that providing quality has. Society 18 has been able to get a 90% referral rate because they go over and above to ensure that they provide the best quality service to their clients. That's what helped her get her first 3 clients and has continued to power her business. Learn more here.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...
Effective Ways Of Creating High-Quality Referrals. Here are 14 effective ways of generating referrals. How To Achieve 0% Churn & Scale An Energy Company to the MULTI-MILLIONS.
Here's how SaLisa Berrien, Founder of COI Energy built a strong referral partnerships that eventually grow your customer base.

How to Find Quality Hires

Find People Passionate About Your Mission - From the founders we speak with, hiring has proven to be exceptionally difficult. However, a constant theme for most founders, including Pamela, is finding people who are passionate about the mission of your company. Although skills and experience are always important, you want people who can push through the difficult days and who have a desire to see your company accomplish its goals. Find Pamela's hiring playbook here.

Support Courtney in Scaling Impact: Follow her on Instagram here and follow society 18 here. If you(or anyone you know) is looking for influencer marketing support, sheโ€™d be happy to do a complimentary consultation.

๐Ÿค“ ACCESS YOUR TRACTION LIBRARY: Whether you are struggling with a limited budget or donโ€™t know what channels to focus on, the Get Sh!t Done Traction Library is here to support you. Access your library here.

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Join our community membership waitlist here.


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Business Development, Funding Alex Batdorf Business Development, Funding Alex Batdorf

Who Do You Know?: How She Used Earned Media To Get Brand Recognition with Cheryl Contee, CEO The Impact Seat Foundation

Learn from Cherly Contee, CEO of The Impact Seat Foundation

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โ€œYour brain doesnโ€™t know the difference between a truth and a lieโ€ - A couple of weeks ago, Get Sh!t Done Queen Courtney Caldwell dropped this gem as she broke down how she scaled a multi-million dollar business to 900 cities in 7 years. As we see a flurry of โ€œstartup darlingsโ€ under fire and/or headed to jail for fraud, I started thinking about how we encourage โ€œfake it until you make itโ€ or โ€œfake it until you become itโ€ culture. Look - Iโ€™ve totally bought into this stuff in the past. The intention is good but itโ€™s harmful. Think about itโ€ฆ we have to fake being something in order to achieve an outcome.The root is rotten because itโ€™sโ€ฆ fake. The beauty of our brains is that we can mold them to believe in ourselves to Courtneyโ€™s point. The danger is at what point can people mold their brain into a weapon that becomes something destructive?

Let's get into your weekly briefing!


Founder: Cheryl Contee | Company: Attentive.ly | Location: San Francisco, CA

Receipts: The first black woman in tech to sell her business to a NASDAQ-traded company, one of the first black women to raise millions in funding, serial entrepreneur and champion for women in business; Cheryl is what we call a bad ass b*tch!

Here's your traction playbook...

How to Successfully Exit Your Company

Create an Exit Strategy In The Early Days - "There are only three ways really to exit your company. Youโ€™re going to fail (and 90% of American small businesses fail) or acquisition or IPO. The chance that something thatโ€™s not one of those three is gonna happen to you is still relatively small." - Cheryl Contee. The fact is that most startups have a lifecycle of only 10 years. As exciting as starting and running a startup is, most founders eventually have to move on. Understanding and planning for your exit as early as in the beginning helps you get everything aligned so you can exit on your own terms.

How Earned Media Scaled Her Company To The Millions

Build The Right Networks - Getting the word out there about your company will always be your job, whether that's through paid or earned media. Earned media can prove to be especially reliable only if you know who to reach out to and how to reach out to them. Cheryl did this for Attentive.ly by building a network of journalists and influencers within her industry. She regularly kept in touch with them and occasionally pitched stories about her company that she felt would fit in with their content. As Cheryl puts it, journalists and influencers are constantly feeding a machine, so give them something they would be excited to share. Get into her strategy here.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...
How to get it done...
What Is Earned Media? Here's where you can learn more. How 99% Earned Media Scaled a MASSIVE Legacy Company. Here's how Fawn Weaver of Uncle Nearest used earned media to scale a multimillion business in a difficult industry.

How to Retain Customers

Check In On Your Biggest Clients - For many companies, 20% of their clients bring in about 80% of their revenue. If this is the case for you, it is vital to your business that you keep that 20% happy. Simply checking in every now and then with them goes a long way in maintaining a long lasting relationship. This shows them that you care about them and that they are valued. Strong relationships will always be the foundation of a successful business. Learn more here.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

Here are customer retention strategies that work. How To Master Customer Success: Here's exactly how Kishau mastered customer delight and retained all of her customers.

Support Courtney in Scaling Impact: Follow her on Twitter here, while itโ€™s still around . You can also find her on LinkedIn where sheโ€™s always ready to answer questions only from the tribe.

๐Ÿค“ ACCESS YOUR TRACTION LIBRARY: Whether you are struggling with a limited budget or donโ€™t know what channels to focus on, the Get Sh!t Done Traction Library is here to support you. Access your library here.

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Join our community membership waitlist here.


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Business Development, Funding Alex Batdorf Business Development, Funding Alex Batdorf

Sell or Die: How To Use Sales Income To Bootstrap A $Multi-Million Business with Kishau Rogers, Founder & CEO Time Study

Learn from Kishau Rogers, Founder & CEO of Time Study.

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Remember that scene from Waiting to Exhale when THE Angela Bassett burns down her two-timing husband's sh!t? It was iconic. It needed to happen. This is how I feel about the tech world right now. We need to burn a lot of this sh!t down and clean house  - "Get yo sh!t and get out!". Supposedly, some bros are "warning" against irresponsible innovation. So what the hell is it? Ultimately, it comes down to building tech with integrity rooted in anticipation, reflexivity, inclusion, and responsiveness. This in theory is cool but itโ€™s an illusion. First, thereโ€™s not much literature on responsible innovation, which should be the first red flag. In addition, many companies scaling innovation quickly (typically VC-backed) have misaligned priorities. Their goal is to grow by any means necessary and make a lot of money, fast. Well, a lot of things get broken that way. So if weโ€™re gonna talk about "responsible innovation" we gotta be real about how that can happen when there is no accountability built into the current system. Either we need to burn some sh!t down and start from scratch or watch it self implode and take down a lot of things we care about with it. Either way - burn baby burn.

Let's get into your weekly briefing!


Founder: Kishau Rogers | Company: Time Study | Location: New York, NY

Receipts: Kishau has 20+ years in engineering. From creating awesome products to managing software engineering teams, she's done it all. She's now a remarkable Founder/CEO who has grown her company 3x YOY while achieving 0% churn.

Here's your traction playbook...

How to Grow Your Company Using Your Sales

Product-Market Fit Can Only Do So Much - You might have a great product that solves a need, but if people are not willing to pay for it, then it's simply not a viable product. Focusing on your sales is a great way to know what your customers are willing to pay for, what problems your customers actually want you to solve, and not what you think/feel they need solved. It realigns your business goals to things that actually matter and things that put real dollars in your bank account.

How to Master Selling

Focus On The Entire Sales Funnel - Great sales is a multistep process. From the moment you reach out to cold prospects to when your leads become return customers. Time Study has mastered the art of selling by making each step of the sales funnel as important as the last. They have also been able to nail this by having repeatable systems and processes in place that ensures that the quality of service they give each lead is the same across each step. Learn more here.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...
How to get it done...
Here's how to create an effective sales funnel. How Selling Bootstrapped A 6-Figure Consultancy To A 7-Figure Services Business. Here's how sales guru Stephanie Neale slays sales.

How to Get A 0% Churn

Be Customer Focused - "Having customer service be at the center of your business is really important. Because itโ€™s not just fixing problems, itโ€™s finding out what your customers think day to day when they interface with your product. That helps you to understand where you need to make adjustments. Youโ€™re going to learn a lot of things you are assuming are wrong." - Kishau Rogers
Your customer is Queen. And no, that doesn't mean that they are always right, but because they are your source of income, their experience and feedback is invaluable to your business. Learning to listen to what they are saying, listening to their pain points and being quick to address any issues that arise is a great way of retaining customers and keeping them happy. This strategy has largely contributed to their 0% churn.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

The three leading causes of customer churn here. How To Achieve 0% Churn: Here's exactly how SaLisa Berrien mastered customer delight and that led to 0% churn.

Support Courtney in Scaling Impact: If you know any execs(particularly in hospitals) send them to timestudy.com. Sheโ€™s also aggressively hiring roles in tech, sales, customer service and more. If you are looking for an innovative company to join, reach out to them.

๐Ÿค“ ACCESS YOUR TRACTION LIBRARY: Whether you are struggling with a limited budget or donโ€™t know what channels to focus on, the Get Sh!t Done Traction Library is here to support you. Access your library here.

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*There are limited spots to join our collaborations for non-members

  • November 18th @ 1pm EST | Founders Mental Health Circle: Debunking The Perfect Mindset Myth: There is no such thing as the perfect mindset. Take a break from all the expectations. RSVP here.

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Join our community membership waitlist here.


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Go-To-Market, Business Development, Funding Alex Batdorf Go-To-Market, Business Development, Funding Alex Batdorf

How She Bootstrapped Her Consultancy to 7 Figures; Deconstructing the Sales Scarcity Mindset; Operationalizing Business Process with Stephanie Neale, CEO Blind Zebra

Learn from Stephanie Neale, CEO of Blind Zebra.

You're viewing an archive of Get Sh!t Done Weekly Email Traction Briefings. Join free to receive your weekly 5-minute growth playbooks & grow alongside thousands of entrepreneurs

Hey, It's Alex! ๐Ÿ’›

Welcome to your Weekly Traction Briefing - your 5-min weekly growth playbook where we break down what's happening in business, how to Get Sh!t Done, and how to grow. If this briefing is helpful to you, share it with your friends so they can grow with you & thousands of other entrepreneurs.


Instead of tea this week, Iโ€™m sending love to the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem. Whether you banked with SVB or not, this was a major loss. This bank collapse did NOT need to happen. It had nothing to do with the economy. It was a combination of unsound management choices, shaped by poor public policy, that could have been salvaged if not for a bank run caused and isolated to a few folks in VC. This was the domino effect - an unnecessary frenzy that led to collective powerlessness - stressed founders feeling powerless and afraid of whether or not theyโ€™d have enough money to make it through. Panic for vendors working with those companies that didnโ€™t know whether or not theyโ€™d get paid. As one of the ONLY banks that took a risk on early-stage companies, this leaves an even larger gap in the funding environment for founders who already lacked funding options. This should be a reminder that we are ALL interconnected. The problem? There are too many in the ecosystem that lack the incentives to be team players. F**k a heroโ€™s journey. Every inch of your journey will always include people on the ride with you, whether you see them or not. For an ecosystem to work, there must be reciprocity. SVB did NOT receive that reciprocity. We gotta move away from the โ€œheroโ€ mentality to a collective mentality. Iโ€™m not the hero. Youโ€™re not the hero. But what we can achieve together is heroic. The moment we think weโ€™re at it alone is when things collapse and we create a collective villain. Iโ€™ll release a full statement this week here. In the meantime, show up for each other. For better or worse, we all we got.

๐Ÿค—BECOME A MEMBER: Ready to grow your business? Join a powerful, hyper-connected, and supportive community helping you grow your business, reduce overwhelm, and teaching you how to hit goals consistently. Explore our membership HERE. Accepting New Members for Q1 2023 until March 31st.

๐Ÿ‘‘ Founder: Stephanie Neale | Company: Blind Zebra | Location: Indianapolis, IN

๐Ÿงพ Receipts:  Steph is a tenured and self-proclaimed sales chick who has been able to bootstrap a traditional consulting business (avg $600k ARR) to scalable model ($3M in ARR) in 10 quarters. She's also been able to increase annual bookings by 85% through a direct and partnership focused webinar strategy.


Deconstruct The Scarcity Mindset

Ground Yourself In Abundance - Blind Zebra takes a unique approach to sales that centers around the concept of abundance. The company believes that developing an abundance mindset early on can help sales professionals become more effective leaders. An abundance mindset involves recognizing that there are always plenty of leads and opportunities available, which can lead to greater confidence and enthusiasm in sales pitches. This approach allows salespeople to approach their work with a positive attitude and a proactive mindset, which can ultimately lead to greater success. Learn how she's done it twice HERE.

: Learn how Kristi Zuhlke, was able to grow sales and get to an exit HERE.

Streamline Your Business Processes

Document Everything - "Start with the end in mind. If you are building something, document it. Figure out what you're doing and as you grow, you have somewhere to go back and edit and iterate. From an operational perspective, get some systems in place now." - Stephanie Neale. Proper documentation of business processes is critical, regardless of the size of your company. Without clear documentation, it can be challenging to identify inefficiencies or determine where mistakes were made. By documenting your processes early and consistently, you can streamline operations, identify areas for improvement, and keep everyone in the organization on the same page. HERE's how Steph did it.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ MORE TOOLS TO GET IT DONE: Learn how to streamline your business processes and make them more repeatable HERE.

Change Your Money Script

Understand Your Financial Trauma - "I find I do more coaching with females around money and money scripts, way more than men. I have women more than men, have guilt associated with money. They have these hang ups around making too much or being too much. I have some seen self sabotage when you start to reach certain levels." - Stephanie Neale . Learn more on financial trauma HERE.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ MORE TOOLS TO GET IT DONE :Understand your relationship with money HERE.


  • Wednesday, March 15th @ 1pm EST: How to NOT Suck at Pitching Your Startup. RSVP

  • Thursday, March 23rd @ 1pm EST: Q2 2023 Planning Party: Create Your Growth Strategy, Plan & KPIs. RSVP

  • Wednesday, March 29th @ 1pm EST: Ethical Storytelling for Founders: How to Sell Your Vision with Confidence. RSVP

  • Thursday, March 30th @ 7pm EST: Tea & Town Hall โ˜•. RSVP


Learn the step by step process to craft a winning sales deck.
Learn how to scale by mastering different growth channels in the Traction Library.

๐Ÿค— BECOME A MEMBER: Ready to grow you? Join a powerful, hyper-connected, and supportive network helping you grow your business, reduce overwhelm, and teaching you how to hit goals consistently. Explore our membership HERE.


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With Love & Impact,

Alex Batdorf
Chief Get Sh!t Done Officer


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