How to Use Organic Marketing to Scale to 7-Figures; Finding Your Target Audience; Owning Your Marketing Data with Ceata Lash, Founder PuffCuff

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Hey, It's Alex! ๐Ÿ’›

Welcome to your Weekly Traction Briefing - your 5-min weekly growth playbook where we break down what's happening in business, how to Get Sh!t Done, and how to grow. If this briefing is helpful to you, share it with your friends so they can grow with you & thousands of other entrepreneurs.


I think we should all breathe a bit. Seeing how some stepped up for SVB makes me a bit hopeful. To be fair, many of these other banks will have a stellar quarter from companies and individuals moving money. What we do NOT want is there to be a high concentration in big banks. Regional banks are necessary. BUT there's still a huge problem and it disproportionately affects communities of color and regions with high rates of unbanking. SVB has a huge opportunity to diversify and not be so concentrated in tech. Quite frankly, I'm interested in seeing how non-big tech industries are innovating. Speaking of concentrated risk - only 5 people maintain Bitcoin. Only 1 is a woman. I think a lot about scaling unintended consequences. What happens when something gets so massive and there are only a few gatekeepers that don't look like you? The lack of women leadership seems to be spreading like wildfire. There are now NO women leading big tech companies. With departures of people like Susan Wojcicki and Sheryl Sandberg, Silicon Vallye is now an even bigger boys club. This isn't just a problem in big tech. High-profile leaders like Jacinda Arden are stepping down to prioritize themselves. I'm here for it but also worried. With all the progress being made, it seems like we're taking steps back. These women aren't the problem. Dissecting why women step down tells me that the system is suffocating them.

๐Ÿค—BECOME A MEMBER: Ready to grow your business? Join a powerful, hyper-connected, and supportive community helping you grow your business, reduce overwhelm, and teaching you how to hit goals consistently. Explore our membership HERE. Accepting New Members for Q1 2023 until March 31st.

๐Ÿ‘‘ Founder: Ceata Lash | Company: PuffCuff | Location: Marietta, GA

๐Ÿงพ Receipts:  From being a freelance graphic designer to building a 7-figure business, Ceata has used her husting skills to engineer her dream product and successfully brought it to market. She has now created a successful and well-known brand from nothing more than an idea.


Your Target Market Might Not Be Your Actual Market

Keep Testing - Testing is an essential part of product development and a great way to discover the reasons behind why people are attracted to your product. Through testing, you can get feedback from your target audience and use it to customize the features that matter most to them. It also allows you to identify any potential issues or concerns and make adjustments before launch. Taking the time to test your product can go a long way towards helping you better understand your target customers and ultimately find your product's perfect fit. Learn how PuffCuff did it HERE.

: 5 Steps to Find Your Target Audience(With Examples!) HERE.

Own Your Data

Build Over Buy - "Own as much of your data as you can - Own your customers - Ceata Lash. Owning your own data is an essential part of any successful marketing strategy. By collecting first-party data, you can personalize your messaging and create stronger connections with your target audience. Plus, having access to your own data can help you identify opportunities and generate reports so you understand your customers better. In the end, owning your own data allows you to diversify your marketing portfolio, maximize ROI, and ultimately boost conversions. HERE's how Ceata did it.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ MORE TOOLS TO GET IT DONE: Learn how small businesses can make data-driven marketing work HERE.

All Money Is Not Good Money

Be Selective When Seeking Funding - When it comes to accepting funding, it's important to be selective and have a strategic plan in place. It's essential to take into account not only the potential money you may receive but also the potential pressure and risk of losing ownership of your company. Building a strategy that includes an effective repayment plan can help ensure that accepting investment won't lead to a loss of control or ownership. Additionally, this strategy can help set you up for success as you scale your business. Learn more HERE.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ MORE TOOLS TO GET IT DONE: Understand your relationship with money HERE..


  • Thursday, March 23rd @ 1pm EST: Q2 2023 Planning Party: Create Your Growth Strategy, Plan & KPIs. RSVP

  • Wednesday, March 29th @ 1pm EST: Ethical Storytelling for Founders: How to Sell Your Vision with Confidence. RSVP

  • Thursday, March 30th @ 7pm EST: Tea & Town Hall โ˜•. RSVP


Learn PR for entrepreneurs, how to measure and understand the ROI of press, and how to DIY, etc.
Learn how to scale by mastering different growth channels in the Traction Library.

๐Ÿค— BECOME A MEMBER: Ready to grow you? Join a powerful, hyper-connected, and supportive network helping you grow your business, reduce overwhelm, and teaching you how to hit goals consistently. Explore our membership HERE.


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With Love & Impact,

Alex Batdorf
Chief Get Sh!t Done Officer



A Step-by-Step Guide for Scaling to $1M with Paid Ads, Anna Konchar Owner Anna Konchar


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