Marketing, Business Development Alex Batdorf Marketing, Business Development Alex Batdorf

How $15K in Savings Scaled to $1 million in 12 months with Breanne Acio, founder Sekr

Learn from Breanne Acio, founder of Sekr

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Hey, It's Alex!

🍵 Here's Your Weekly Tea

"I don't get why people fight what is. It is what it is. If you don't like it, do something different." I heard this for the first time a few years ago. I live by it now, especially how I leverage my business to scale impact. It echoed in my head when I saw the news about Andressen Horowitz backing Adam Neumann (again) and the fury it sparked. Men failing forward is not new. It is what it is. Is it irritating AF? Yup. But you know what’s more frustrating? Collective rage ignited by expectations of systems rooted in self-interest to change. It is what it is but the reaction is like deja vu. Our time and energy are valuable. What if we did something different?

Let's get into your weekly briefing!


Founder: Breanne Acio | Company: Sekr | Location: San Diego, CA

Receipts: Breanne has been able to bootstrap a company to $1 million in 12 months and raise $3 million for another by creating a strong and authentic community that was passionate about her vision and mission.

Here's your traction playbook...

How To Validate Your Problem

Find Out What People Want: Having a conviction in your idea can only go so far. You need to understand if there is actually a problem that you are solving and if the market is receptive to your idea. In her initial stages of Sekr, Breanne employed the lean startup model. While It might not great for everything, it taught her how to validate problems without spending money.

How To Recruit Top Talent With Limited Resources

People want to be something that is bigger than themselves: "People want to have an impact and I was giving them an opportunity to have an impact." - Breanne Acio. In her first year of creating Sekr, Breanne had a dedicated team who chose to work for her free of charge! How did she manage do this? She found people who truly believed in her mission. People who were motivated by what she was doing and who wanted to have an impact within the same space.

How To Creating Networks Plays A Factor In Helping You Raise

Get Champions In Your Corner: It's all about building relationships. A strong network will not only put you in connection with the right people, but they will also act as your champions - encouraging you to pursue different avenues and ultimately help you realize your potential. What Breanne did well when seeking funding was creating a network and finding role models who pushed her in the right direction and helped her believe in herself.

Support Breanne in Scaling Impact: Tell people about Sekr! Download the app on Google Play and other app stores. She is also currently looking for capital investors.

TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

  • Fearless Fund's Education Day: A hybrid experience tailored towards educating founders on everything about VC and entrepreneurship. Get your tickets and more info here.

  • How To Find Top Talent In A Competitive Market: Find out here  how Kaitlyn Knopp was able to hire the best team in a competitive hiring market.

  • How To Validate Your Idea: Here's how Tiffany Dufu was able to validate her concept by creating a landing page.

  • Maximize Your Network To Increase Funding: We speak a lot about networking. Here's exactly how it plays a role in helping you raise funds for your startup.

  • The Lean Startup: This scientific methodology helps you get your product to your customers faster.

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Join our community membership waitlist here.


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Funding, Business Development Alex Batdorf Funding, Business Development Alex Batdorf

Alternative Funding Sources Available to Startups; Customer Service as a Key Differentiator; How to be Capital Efficient in a Tight Market with Melissa Widner, CEO Lighter Capital

Learn from Melissa Widner, CEO of Lighter Capital

You're viewing an archive of Get Sh!t Done Weekly Email Traction Briefings. Join free to receive your weekly 5-minute growth playbooks & grow alongside thousands of entrepreneurs

Hey, It's Alex! 💛

Welcome to your Weekly Traction Briefing - your 5-min weekly growth playbook where we break down what's happening in business, how to Get Sh!t Done, and how to grow. If this briefing is helpful to you, share it with your friends so they can grow with you & thousands of other entrepreneurs.


Bing is having a hot girl season and it looks like it's gonna last. Microsoft 10X'd the price of Bing's search API, and unlike Google which just lost $100B after rushing Bard to market, Microsoft can innovate because they don't rely on an ad model to thrive. ChaptGPT is a direct threat to the revenue models of search engines and news-based businesses that rely on ads. Think about it - if ChaptGPT summarizes everything, are you really going to pay for gated content or waste time going through search where the 1st page is basically 50% ads anyway? And ain't nobody looking through the 1 Billion search results Google offers up.  Bing's new hot girl, Sydney, is supposedly Bing's "unhinged" side-chick but the crazy ones are who we typically desire - admit it. It's a reminder that tech is a product of the people behind it. OpenAI promises to fix the biases. Usually, I wouldn't hold my breath but the mastermind CTO behind ChatGPT is a QUEEN so I actually have hope.


Want your growth questions answered on the podcast?

We're answering your specific growth questions with our guests! If your question is selected, we'll give you and your company a shout out on the podcast and in our weekly emails 🙌🏾

👑 Founder: Melissa Widner | Company: Lighter Capital | Location: Sydney, Australia

🧾 Receipts:  Melissa has led two companies to successful exits returning over a 10x return to her investors. She is now the CEO of Lighter Capital, the pioneer and leader in revenue based financing for tech start ups and scales ups and co-founder and Chairperson of Sydney based Heads Over Heels.


Revenue-Based Financing As An Alternative Funding Source

Retain Your Equity & Control - "One of the nice things we’re doing at Lighter Capital is allowing companies to grow without giving up any equity or control so when that exit does happen they are getting 100% of it or close to 100% of it." - Melissa Widner. Revenue-based financing (RBF) is a flexible alternative that provides startups with capital without giving up equity or control of the company. RBF also allows companies to avoid the dilution of ownership that comes with equity financing, and investors are motivated to help the business grow and succeed since they are invested in the company's revenue. HERE is Melissa's take on alternative funding sources.

: Learn how revenue-based financing works HERE.

🤗 JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Ready to grow your revenues consistently? Want access to the right people & expand your network? Tired of going at it alone? Join our community membership waitlist here.

How Founders Can Stay Afloat In The Current Market

Be Capital Efficient - We all know that the current market is tough. Funding sources are scarce, and cash is in short supply. Capital efficiency is about maximizing the value of your resources and minimizing unnecessary expenses. By being capital efficient, startups can stay lean and agile, adapting quickly to changing market conditions. This allows them to make strategic investments in areas that will generate the most return. HERE are more insights into how businesses can survive the current market.

🛠️ MORE TOOLS TO GET IT DONE: Learn how to create a capital efficient startup HERE.

Why Customer Service Is Your Business's Key Differentiator

Creates Brand Loyalty - "Customer service and customer relationship really is a competitive barrier to entry." - Melissa Widner. How often do you hear "Thank you for your great service" from your customers? If the answer is "not enough", then it's time to up your customer service game. Sure, having a great product or service is important, but it's not enough to differentiate your startup from competitors. In today's competitive landscape, excellent customer service is the key to creating a loyal customer base. HERE is how Melissa used quality service to differentiate her businesses.

🛠️ MORE TOOLS TO GET IT DONE:Learn how to know which funding options are right for you HERE.


  • Tuesday, Feb 21st @ 12pm EST: How to Develop Partnerships & Accelerate Revenues. RSVP

  • Wednesday, March 1st @ 6pm EST: How to Apply for Grants & NOT Waste Your Time. RSVP


Elizabeth Carter ESQ walks you through alternative funding structures that you can tap into.
Learn how to scale by mastering different growth channels in the Traction Library.

🤗 BECOME A MEMBER: Ready to grow you? Join a powerful, hyper-connected, and supportive network helping you grow your business, reduce overwhelm, and teaching you how to hit goals consistently. Explore our membership HERE.


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With Love & Impact,

Alex Batdorf
Chief Get Sh!t Done Officer


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Sales, Business Development Alex Batdorf Sales, Business Development Alex Batdorf

🧑🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏽 How to Raise a Friends & Family Round; Getting Influencer Marketing Right; Building Brand Authenticity with Rooshy Roy, founder AAVRANI

Learn from Rooshy Roy, founder of AAVRANI

You're viewing an archive of Get Sh!t Done Weekly Email Traction Briefings. Join free to receive your weekly 5-minute growth playbooks & grow alongside thousands of entrepreneurs

Hey, It's Alex!

🍵 Here's Your Weekly Tea

Checking in - Are crypto companies ok? Jk. Clearly, they're not. Here's the thing about pioneering new paths - there will always be those with good character, those who start with good intentions that are influenced into bad behavior, and just outright stinkers. Crypto is here to stay but we gotta stop pimping out the term "innovation" to give bad behavior a bailout.

Let's get into your weekly briefing!

⭐ COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT: Learn why we call Queen Rose Jean the "Sales Slayer" here. Join our community membership waitlist here.


Founder: Rooshy Roy | Company: AAVRANI | Location: New York, NY

Receipts: Rooshy managed to scale a beauty company to the millions by building an authentic brand, seeking alternative funding and using unique marketing strategies.

Here's your traction playbook...

How Authenticity 5X'd Conversions And Grew A Brand

Create A Brand That Truly Reflects Who You Are: Truly authentic brands are a reflection of their founders. When creating her brand, Rooshy chose colors and designs that she felt spoke more to her potential customers - but didn't reflect her personal vision for AAVRANI. When rebranding, she looked inward and chose a brand identity true to herself and her brand. As a result, they increased conversions 5X. Learn how this worked here.

How To Nail Influencer Marketing

Build Long-Term Relationships: Consumers are smart. They can see through the rehearsed promotions. Rooshy saw major growth and better engagement by fostering long-term relationships with specific influencers. They also take time to carefully choose influencers who reflect their brand and who genuinely have an interest in their products. This approach has increased trust in their product and loyalty from their customer base. Learn exactly how AAVRANI approaches long-term influencer marketing here.

How To Raise From Friends & Family, Angels & Family Offices

VC Isn't The Only Vehicle and it isn't the way for most businesses. AAVRANI first approached their network of family and friends for capital. They now have very little institutional capital. Most of their funding sources came from family offices & angels.
Once you have traction, you may need capital to grow, but there are many funding paths. That's why AAVRANI sought funding primarily from family and friends. Here's why they did this and how they were successful.

Support Rooshy in Scaling Impact: Follow AAVRANI on their social media pages (@aavrani)

TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

  • Best Practices For Raising A Friends & Family Round: Here are factors to consider when seeking to raise substantial capital from your close network.

  • Beginner's Guide To Influencer Marketing: Here's a beginners guide to everything you need to know.

  • Raising Capital From Individuals: Find out how our Queen, Fawn Weaver, was able to raise $60 Million Dollars from individuals here.

  • Long-Term Influencer Marketing: Here are the benefits of long-term influencer marketing.

  • Understand your funding options relative to your growth stage here.


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Sales, Business Development Alex Batdorf Sales, Business Development Alex Batdorf

⚠️ Are your business processes hurting your company? Here's how to make them more efficient with Stephanie Neale, co-founder Blind Zebra

Learn from Stephanie Neale, co-founder of Blind Zebra

You're viewing an archive of Get Sh!t Done Weekly Email Traction Briefings. Join free to receive your weekly 5-minute growth playbooks & grow alongside thousands of entrepreneurs

Hey, It's Alex!

Developing processes is one of the biggest pain points for founders in trying to grow into scale. We gotchu covered. But first...

🍵 Here's Your Weekly Tea

With the tomfoolery happening with Elon Musk & Twitter, women worldwide were reminded of the crazy privileges men have including playing games with billions of $'s. Meanwhile, women are just out here seeking equity 🤷🏽‍♀️ Also, I can’t hear one more company justify mass layoffs as a means to focus on "self-sustainability." So wait… WTF were they doing before?! #StupidMoney Anywho…

Let's get into your weekly briefing!

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Founder: Stephanie Neale | Company: Blind Zebra | Location: Indianapolis, IN

Receipts: Stephanie is a self-proclaimed sales chick who has worked in several industries from automotive to SaaS. She has managed to bootstrap a 7-figure consultancy by deconstructing limiting mindsets and programmatizing her business.

Here's your traction playbook...

How To Deconstruct The Scarcity Mindset When Trying To Make A Sale

Ground Yourself In Abundance: Sales scarcity thoughts will kill you! A scarcity mindset says there's never enough. There's never enough resources, opportunities, finances, etc. This mindset will make you anxious, fearful, and even desperate.

Lesson - One of Blind Zebra's key sales philosophies is abundance. Developing an abundance mindset, especially early on will make you a powerful sales leader. An abundance mindset knows that there is more than enough to go around. It creates confidence and enthusiasm in you that you will carry to all your pitches. There are plenty of leads to go around. If it's not the one you're working on, it's the next one. Learn here how Stephanie Neale approaches this philosophy.

Here's how sales leaders can create an abundance mindset.

How To Streamline Your Business Processes

Document Everything:: Whether you're a one-person company or a 100-person company, you need to have your processes documented. Lack of documentation means you never know where mistakes were made or where the inefficiencies are. Document early and document often.

Lesson -"Start with the end in mind. If you are building something, document it. Figure out what you're doing and as you grow, you have somewhere to go back and edit and iterate. From an operational perspective, get some systems in place now." - Stephanie Neale.  One of the biggest factors that helped Blind Zebra grow to a 7-figure business was the fact that they had their systems and operations down very early. Having streamlined and documented processes creates efficiency, improves productivity, reduces expenses, improves employee satisfaction, and increases transparency and compliance.

Learn the key fundamentals of process documentation here.

How Your Money Script May Be Affecting Your Relationship With Money

Get Trusted People In Your Corner: You can't create a quality product without testing. Testing gives you the opportunity to find out if your product is something the market actually wants. Not only does it give proof of concept, but it can help you save a lot of coin.

Lesson -  In her experience as a sales and client success coach, Stephanie Neale has found that a lot of women in particular have guilt when it comes to money. They have hang ups about making too much or being too much. As a result, this leads to self sabotage especially as they start to progress. It's important to understand your beliefs and traumas around your finances - not only for your business, but also your personal life. Learn here how Stephanie Neale approaches money scripts.

Here are 5 steps to transform your relationship with money

Support Stephanie in Scaling Impact

Here's how you can support Stephanie: You can visit Blind Zebra's website here where they offer a free premium webinar with sales partners like Gong.io and occasional free sales coaching. You can also engage with her on her LinkedIn page @Stephanie Neale.

TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

  • Blind-Zebra's Sales Guide: Here you'll find a collection of valuable lessons that will help you take your sales game to the next level.

  • Operate More Efficiently: Business processes are repeatable. Streamlining your work processes will make your business operate faster, smarter and more efficiently. Learn how here.

  • Master Sales As A Founder: Find out how our Queen, Kristi Zuhlke, was able to grow sales and get to an exit here.

  • Develop The Right Mindset: Here's how one of our Queen's was able to build and scale her fintech platform by developing the right mindset at every stage.

  • What Is A Money Script?: These are the 4 basic money scripts and how they can affect your relationship with money.


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Business Development Alex Batdorf Business Development Alex Batdorf

0% Churn Rate!🤯: Here's How COI Energy Has Kept People Coming Back with SaLisa Berrien, founder COI Energy

Learn from SaLisa Berrien, founder of COI Energy

You're viewing an archive of Get Sh!t Done Weekly Email Traction Briefings. Join free to receive your weekly 5-minute growth playbooks & grow alongside thousands of entrepreneurs

"Making sure whatever you do, is in the best interest of your customer. If what you’re offering doesn’t meet the needs of your customer - let them know. Be upfront and honest. And then even go the extra mile and say, "Here’s another company that can meet your needs." And it may be a your competitor. But at least you are helping the customer solve the problem." - SaLisa Berrien

Hey, It's Alex!

Would you refer a customer to a competitor or try to keep the sale?

Whether you're willing to admit it or not, most companies would do the latter.

But that's how we're taught to do "business". Getting the sale by any means necessary is the hustler's mantra but sometimes this is not only harmful to the customer but to your business long-term.

Part of creating a strong and memorable brand is by giving people an experience they will remember by providing solutions they actually need - even if that means you have to send them away.

Establishing trust may not be easy, but it's worth the valuable brand equity you'll build in the long run.

What you'll find in this traction briefing:

  • How mastering customer delight led to a 0% churn rate!

  • How to build strong referral partnerships that eventually grow your customer base.

  • How to know when to say no to investors.

Founder: SaLisa Berrien | Company: COI Energy | Location: Tampa, FL

Where was she before COI Energy?

SaLisa has been in the energy industry her entire career.  Before COI Energy, she worked with a startup that brought energy efficiency & sustainability services to their clients. Her passion for energy efficiency came from her lived experience. Growing up in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, SaLisa saw her parents struggle to keep up with their energy bills. That drove her passion for not only making energy more efficient, but also making it more accessible.


COI Energy is a technological solution that helps businesses reduce their energy consumption. The excess energy produced can then be repurposed and used to help marginalized communities access clean and affordable energy solutions. So they not only help businesses cut down their costs, but provided much-needed solutions to families like hers.

Here's what you'll learn...

How Mastering Delight Led To A 0% Churn Rate!

Your Customer Comes First: Customer-first is something almost all businesses swear by. But to what lengths would you go to make sure that your customer has their needs met?

Lesson - SaLisa and COI have achieved an amazing 0% churn rate by putting their customer first! Especially when it was difficult. A customer-centric business model for COI Energy has meant making sure their customers have all their needs met - even when that meant sending them to a close competitor. In turn, they have created trust and loyalty that you simply can't buy. Learn how to achieve a 0% churn rate here.

Here are 12 proven strategies to reduce customer churn rate.

How To Develop Partnerships That Eventually Grow Your Customer Base

Find The Right Partners And Deliver On Your Promises: You don't need a partner, you need the right partner. Getting the right partner means finding people who are strategically aligned with your company. Once you secure those partnerships - deliver on every promise you made.

Lesson - "Do what you say you’re gonna do - and do it well" - SaLisa Berrien
By strategically partnering with people within their industry, COI Energy was able to increase their audience, increase their brand awareness, and ultimately revenues. How did they maintain those partnerships? By delivering on what they promised to do. As a result, partners felt confident referring them to other values-aligned organizations. This is how they have been able to keep up their momentum.

Click here to learn how to form the right strategic partnerships.

How To Know When To Say No To Investors

Read The Fine Print: You've been pitching and approaching investors for a while now and the answer has consistently been "no". Suddenly, you get an offer - your dream offer! BUT did you read the fine print?

Lesson -  Like fellow Queen, Ceata Lash once said, "Not all money is good money". Receiving investment, especially when cash-strapped, can be the dream. Unfortunately what SaLisa quickly found out was that not all investments are worthwhile. After receiving what seemed to be a dream offer, she soon realized that the terms and demands within the contract were practically forcing her out of her own company. The answer was clear, although she needed the money, she couldn't take the investment! Learn when it's necessary to say no to an investor here.


Here's how you can support SaLisa: Spread the word about the amazing work that COI Energy does for communities and businesses. To sign your building or business up click here. P.S Every building qualifies to participate in this program.

Here's Your Weekly Tea

The Spiritual Nap

I recently experienced my first Spiritual Nap. Yes. I fly my west coast hippie freak flag high, honey! #WestCoastGirlforLife

The experience is designed for leaders who are deeply rooted in economic and social justice work.

The premise - if you can’t rest, how can you show up to fight the good fight from a place of peace? That’s where we win. When we are running on fumes, we’re not effective and unable to do impactful work.

I started thinking about the thousands of founders I come in contact within our tribe at large and most have one thing in common - we SUCK at resting.

And I’m not just talking about sleeping. I’m talking about moments of disconnection that allow us to return to ourselves during demanding days when our time doesn’t feel like our own.

I used to resent my friends who could nap because I could not take a nap to save my life! But I came to find out that resting comes in 3 forms for me -

Spiritual, Mental, and/or Physical.

Based on what part(s) needs rest, I find ways to honor it:

Here are examples of what moments of rest can look like for me:

  • Spiritual: Waking up in the morning and simply saying "Thank You" and checking in with myself, not checking email.

  • Mental: Watching a Subaru commercial on my period and having an ugly cry because it feels good to release! #NoShame

  • Physical: 10 min dance break around my apartment where I’m blasting music in my headphones. I can literally go from twerking to salsa in 2.5 seconds and it feels damn good! Why? I feel the most at home in my body when I’m moving freely.

Key Takeaway: Resting is not waiting for that one vacation. Trust me - I've done it and spoiler... it doesn't work. It’s many mini moments that you have to choose for you daily. So choose you, queen. Rest. You deserve it <3

🛠️ TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

Apply to Cohort 9 of the Accelerator: Ready to take your traction to the next level? Apply to Cohort 9 now launching June 21st here.

  • Not All Partnerships Are The Right Partnerships: Learn how one of our queens was able to maintain 100% ownership of her company and avoid bad partnerships here.

  • Keep Your Customer At The Center: Here's how you can create a customer-centric organization.

  • Vet Potential Investors: Interested in bringing in new investors? Learn how to vet them and find the right ones here.


Explore community membership here.


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Business Development Alex Batdorf Business Development Alex Batdorf

How to Build Partnerships & Scale a Movement with Maria Boustead, founder of PoCampo

Learn from Maria Boustead, founder of PoCampo.

You're viewing an archive of Get Sh!t Done Weekly Email Traction Briefings. Join free to receive your weekly 5-minute growth playbooks & grow alongside thousands of entrepreneurs

"The best collaborations create something BIGGER than the sum each person can create on their own."

Can you guess the #1 thing founders waste too much time and $$$ on in the early stages?

Paid Marketing.

Unless you have a big-ass budget, paid marketing for 99% of early-stage revenue companies ends up being a leaky bucket of cash that you probably don't have to spare.

However, can you guess one of the TOP traction channels that we see consistently work for companies in building awareness organically?


Ready to learn how one queen grew 182% YOY by building partnerships?

What we'll brief you on:

  • How to not fall in the "build it and they will come" trap.

  • How to navigate being early or first to market.

  • How to develop meaningful partnerships with both small and larger brands. Hint: Both are impactful.

  • How to amplify your partnerships through an omnichannel approach.

  • Boosting the bottom line via an AOV and/or Acquisition approach.

HERE'S YOUR TRACTION BRIEFING:  How to Build Partnerships & Grow a Movement

Founder: Maria Boustead | Company: Po Campo | Location: New York, NY

Receipts before PoCampo

Maria started as an industrial designer creating physical products. Her first job straight outta college was sewing together lunch bags for mass-market audiences for companies like Target and Walmart.


How do you keep it cute while biking around? If you're like me, you're extra when you bike. Not even kidding - I bike in heels because I can :) However, if you're also like me, you lug around a purse that is the entrepreneur's version of Marry Poppins, which is not suitable for bikes. Not anymore!


Po Campo is your solution to keepin' it cute while you scoot (or bike ;) There's actually a fancy term for this market - Micromobility and it's kind of a big deal. It's a $44B market that's set to grow to $214B by 2030. They're the solution to those of us who are exploring alternatives to cars and trains and need the appropriate bags to commute

If you Build it, they will NOT come.

Here’s the thing - no one is checking for you and your business. As founders, we are proud parents who often think people will love what we created as much as we do. So of course, they’ll find us - right?! NOPE. Maria had to get over this hurdle. As someone with a design background, she was taught that if you can design something AMAZING, they will come. However, people usually come when they're aware it exists and it addresses a need or desire. Don't get it twisted - a good product or service is ESSENTIAL but that's not what attracts your audience initially. That's part of what keeps them.

Getting distracted when you are early or first to market.

Similar to Judith, Maria was super early to market. What helped to produce a bit of traction early on is what hurt Maria later. They designed stylish bags across different product categories from biking to yoga. Maria breaks down that while it got them some traction, it limited their ability to scale by splitting focus. This forced them to return to what truly mattered to them - making micromobility better and more seamless. Maria learned how to "cut off the dead branches so the tree would grow"  by listening to the "data, not drama". Learn how she did it here.

Develop Your Startup Partnership Strategy

"Choose a brand that’s either bigger than you or cooler than you". This is how Maria mastered partnerships. TIP: Going big is NOT always best.  Smaller brand partnerships can be just as exciting or more. Get the full breakdown of how she navigates partnerships strategically based on the value add for each.

Omni-Channel is Everything!

"Each of our channels is a storefront". While channels like wholesale may not give you the full margins of DIY, it enables brand awareness, R&D, and gives you the language you need to communicate effectively in the market. Maria walks through how online and offline are symbiotic. Get the strategy breakdown here.

Average Order Value vs. Customer Acquisition

Maria breaks down how it's important to nail your acquisition strategy BUT you also need to be thinking of increasing AOV (average order value). This takes the pressure off of having to acquire, acquire, acquire. While acquisition is important, increasing AOV with new and existing customers builds a solid business. Even if you're not a product-based company, this still applies but is typically referred to through other KPI's like average revenue per user, etc. Get Maria’s strategy for how she increases AOV.

BONUS: Product Pulsing?

THIS IS MY FAVORITE TRCK Maria shares. Before Maria’s team goes all in on a new product, they do product pulsing by sourcing products from OEM (original equipment manufacturers) to limit the risks. In her world this is sourcing small runs of products before going all in and customizing it to their vision. If you have a product-based business, Learn how you can leverage this strategy.

Where You Can Support Maria?

If you are in the active or outdoor space - connect with Maria here to discuss how to collaborate.

PARTNERSHIP MOVES: How to Collaborate & Grow brand Awareness

  • Check out 8 examples of Smaller Company & Larger Company Partnerships

  • Have you ever considered doing a co-branded partnership? Check out how these companies did it. TIP: These are big ass companies with big ass budgets. Think out of the box and on a budget ;)  

  • Did you know that 90% of corporations believe that collaboration is essential to promoting innovation? Learn how smaller companies can navigate partnerships with corporate and how to make the relationship work here.

  • Collaboration Compatability Checklist! Try this assessment to determine if you and a potential collaborator are on the same page. This will help you save time and $$$

TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

Here are some tools that will help you build awareness and develop partnerships<3

  • Learn how she Increased revenues 60% through partnerships here.

  • Use tools like Google Docs to create proposals or Canva to create ready-made decks.

  • Learn how to NOT get screwed in partnerships and bounce back like a G if you do here.

  • Want to do collaborations with big brands? While it takes much more time, it can pay off big. Learn how to master enterprise sales here.

  • Learn how to take the "Data, Not Drama" approach to gain clarity around partnerships you can create here


Explore community membership here.


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