⚠️ Are your business processes hurting your company? Here's how to make them more efficient with Stephanie Neale, co-founder Blind Zebra

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Hey, It's Alex!

Developing processes is one of the biggest pain points for founders in trying to grow into scale. We gotchu covered. But first...

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With the tomfoolery happening with Elon Musk & Twitter, women worldwide were reminded of the crazy privileges men have including playing games with billions of $'s. Meanwhile, women are just out here seeking equity 🤷🏽‍♀️ Also, I can’t hear one more company justify mass layoffs as a means to focus on "self-sustainability." So wait… WTF were they doing before?! #StupidMoney Anywho…

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Founder: Stephanie Neale | Company: Blind Zebra | Location: Indianapolis, IN

Receipts: Stephanie is a self-proclaimed sales chick who has worked in several industries from automotive to SaaS. She has managed to bootstrap a 7-figure consultancy by deconstructing limiting mindsets and programmatizing her business.

Here's your traction playbook...

How To Deconstruct The Scarcity Mindset When Trying To Make A Sale

Ground Yourself In Abundance: Sales scarcity thoughts will kill you! A scarcity mindset says there's never enough. There's never enough resources, opportunities, finances, etc. This mindset will make you anxious, fearful, and even desperate.

Lesson - One of Blind Zebra's key sales philosophies is abundance. Developing an abundance mindset, especially early on will make you a powerful sales leader. An abundance mindset knows that there is more than enough to go around. It creates confidence and enthusiasm in you that you will carry to all your pitches. There are plenty of leads to go around. If it's not the one you're working on, it's the next one. Learn here how Stephanie Neale approaches this philosophy.

Here's how sales leaders can create an abundance mindset.

How To Streamline Your Business Processes

Document Everything:: Whether you're a one-person company or a 100-person company, you need to have your processes documented. Lack of documentation means you never know where mistakes were made or where the inefficiencies are. Document early and document often.

Lesson -"Start with the end in mind. If you are building something, document it. Figure out what you're doing and as you grow, you have somewhere to go back and edit and iterate. From an operational perspective, get some systems in place now." - Stephanie Neale.  One of the biggest factors that helped Blind Zebra grow to a 7-figure business was the fact that they had their systems and operations down very early. Having streamlined and documented processes creates efficiency, improves productivity, reduces expenses, improves employee satisfaction, and increases transparency and compliance.

Learn the key fundamentals of process documentation here.

How Your Money Script May Be Affecting Your Relationship With Money

Get Trusted People In Your Corner: You can't create a quality product without testing. Testing gives you the opportunity to find out if your product is something the market actually wants. Not only does it give proof of concept, but it can help you save a lot of coin.

Lesson -  In her experience as a sales and client success coach, Stephanie Neale has found that a lot of women in particular have guilt when it comes to money. They have hang ups about making too much or being too much. As a result, this leads to self sabotage especially as they start to progress. It's important to understand your beliefs and traumas around your finances - not only for your business, but also your personal life. Learn here how Stephanie Neale approaches money scripts.

Here are 5 steps to transform your relationship with money

Support Stephanie in Scaling Impact

Here's how you can support Stephanie: You can visit Blind Zebra's website here where they offer a free premium webinar with sales partners like Gong.io and occasional free sales coaching. You can also engage with her on her LinkedIn page @Stephanie Neale.

TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

  • Blind-Zebra's Sales Guide: Here you'll find a collection of valuable lessons that will help you take your sales game to the next level.

  • Operate More Efficiently: Business processes are repeatable. Streamlining your work processes will make your business operate faster, smarter and more efficiently. Learn how here.

  • Master Sales As A Founder: Find out how our Queen, Kristi Zuhlke, was able to grow sales and get to an exit here.

  • Develop The Right Mindset: Here's how one of our Queen's was able to build and scale her fintech platform by developing the right mindset at every stage.

  • What Is A Money Script?: These are the 4 basic money scripts and how they can affect your relationship with money.



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