Focus On Your 1%: The Secret To Building A Community-Based Business with Sarah Smith, co-founder The Dyrt

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Hey, It's Alex!

🍡 Here's Your Weekly Tea

Do we really need to keep hearing about the consistent bad behavior in both business and in the personal life of some guy so thirsty for attention that he wanted to prove he could buy a company without the intention of actually doing it? Here's the thing about assets - the most valuable is your time. Anything taking up your time but not adding value - gotta go. The folks at Twitter know this well that's why their trial was expedited because ain't nobody got time. I think we can all agree that the public ego stroking of yet another narcissist in business - gotta go! Let's carry on like the queens and kings we are, shall we?

Let's get into your weekly briefing!

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Founder: Sarah Smith | Company: The Dyrt | Location: Portland, OR

Receipts: Sarah scaled a camping community through user-generated content, well thought out monetization strategy and in the process raised $22 million.

Here's your traction playbook...

How To Build A Solid Community

Focus On The 1% And Keep Them Happy: 1% of your community will provide you with free content, 9% will engage with that content and 90% will simply consume. The reality is a large number of your community/audience will not do more than consume your content. Realizing this, The Dyrt put their focus on finding ways to intrigue and excite the 1%. By making them happy, they created a solid team of reviewers who were ready and willing to provide free content. Learn more here.

How To Monetize Your Platform

Listen To What Your Users Want: In the beginning, Sarah and her team didn't have a clear path to monetization. By listening to her community and learning from them, she found areas where she could provide more value at a cost. Simply putting their ears to ground helped them come up with The Dyrt Pro a $36 a year membership that has been their biggest success yet. Learn more here.

How To Fundraise For Your Business

Find People Who Believe In Your Idea: It took The Dyrt a year and a half to raise their seed round of $500,000 and less time to raise $11,000,000. The lesson? Initially not many people will believe or understand how your idea provides value. Finding a few people who do gives you credibility and makes it so much easier for others to get on board. Not everyone has to believe in you, you just need to find the right ones. Learn more here.

Support Sarah in Scaling Impact: Check out, buy from, and review The Dyrt. Also, go campingπŸ•οΈ!

TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

  • Encourage User Generated Content: Here are 5 steps to turn your customers into advocates.

  • Guide To Raising Capital: The ultimate guide to raising capital for your startup here.

  • Build A Strong Community: Here's how you can build a strong community around your brand.  

  • Make Your Customers Your Community Members: Find out how our queen Ceata Lash was able to turn her customers into an engaging community here.

  • Create Mutually Beneficial Partnerships: Here's how Tanya Van Court used the right strategies to secure partnerships.



Start with the market, not the product: How to nail product-market fit with Nicole Basset, co-founder The Renewal Workshop


πŸ§‘πŸ½β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘πŸ½ How to Raise a Friends & Family Round; Getting Influencer Marketing Right; Building Brand Authenticity with Rooshy Roy, founder AAVRANI