How to Use Social Currency to Build Your Brand; Breaking Free From Your Career Title; Nailing the RFP Process with Lisa Bragg, Founder & Strategic Advisor MediaFace

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Welcome to your Weekly Traction Briefing - your 5-min weekly growth playbook where we break down what's happening in business, how to Get Sh!t Done, and how to grow. If this briefing is helpful to you, share it with your friends so they can grow with you & thousands of other entrepreneurs.

Another one bites the dust... Founders are heading to prison left and right. Whether it's crypto scamming, healthcare scamming, and NOW education scamming. Charlie Javice is accused of inflating numbers for her financial aid company and allegedly scamming JP Morgan out of $175M. “Forbes 30 Under 30 have collectively raised $5.3B in funding. Forbes 30 Under 30 have also been arrested for frauds and scams worth over $18.5B." Here's what we need to come to grips with - scamming is inclusive. Men AND women are out here doing it and disguising it as "business opportunities" led by "visionaries". Here's the question we gotta ask when it comes to equity in startups - Do you want equity or do you want power? The men AND women who committed these acts chose the latter. You cannot ask for equity when you choose to be a part of the problem to gain power. Period. #NotSorry

👑 Founder: Lisa Bragg | Company: MediaFace | Location: Toronto, ON

🧾 Receipts:  Lisa Bragg has literally written the book on bragging about your accomplishments. She is the founder of MediaFace, a Toronto-based content and consulting firm. Lisa has a degree in journalism and 15 years of experience as a TV reporter and news anchor. She has turned her attention to professional development, founding Bragging Rights, where she guides high-achievers to stand out and fit in.


How Can Founders Invest In Their Social Currency

Brag When It's Deserved - "Claim credit when credit is due. If you did something kickass on a project, make sure you get those kudos." - Lisa Bragg. Don't shy away from acknowledging your awesome achievements on a project; you've earned that praise! When you've really nailed something, make it known so you can enjoy the well-deserved acknowledgement. While this might be hard for female founders to do, it is one of the best ways of establishing a solid reputation that'll benefit you in future projects - away from your current business/career. HERE's how Lisa Bragg recommends you do this.

: What Is Social Currency? Definition, Benefits, and Examples HERE.

How to Break Free from Your Title and Create a Long-Lasting Career

Diversify Your Brand - "I've talked to a lot of entrepreneurs and corporate people, and we often become defined by our titles. What we need to do is make sure we get more opportunities so that people see us as multidimensional. Because when they see you as just one thing, it's hard to pivot or have a portfolio career."-Lisa Bragg. As founders, it's crucial to avoid being pigeonholed by your role and instead showcase your diverse skills. To achieve this, actively seek out and engage in varied opportunities, which will help others perceive you as a multifaceted individual, making it easier to transition or build a versatile career. HERE's how Lisa has done this.

🛠️ MORE TOOLS TO GET IT DONE: Learn How to Broaden Your Horizons With a Portfolio Career HERE.

How to Hack the RFP Process

Showcase Your Unique Value Proposition - "Look for any angle that makes you different. I definitely recommend getting certifications that allow you to then access the contracts through the different government bodies."  - Lisa Bragg. Obtaining relevant certifications can be a valuable way to set yourself apart, especially if they allow you to access contracts through different government bodies. Highlight your unique value proposition and explain how your approach will deliver superior results. Learn more HERE.

🛠️ MORE TOOLS TO GET IT DONE:Learn how to seek alternative funding for your startup from Rooshy Roy, Founder of AAVRANI HERE.


  • Thursday, April 13th @ 2:00 pm EST: How to Secure Government Funding & Navigate the Process with Inspiralia. RSVP.

  • Wednesday, April 19th @ 2:00 pm EST: How to Secure Government Contracts with Allison Miller & Charmain Bogue. RSVP

  • Friday, April 21st @ 6:00pm EST: How to Grow with Digital Marketing on a Budget with Reva Minkoff. RSVP

  • Wednesday, April 26th @ 2:00 pm EST: How to Monetize Your Intellectual Property with Bianca Robinson. RSVP


Elizabeth Carter ESQ walks you through alternative funding structures that you can tap into.
Learn how to scale by mastering different growth channels in the Traction Library.

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With Love & Impact,

Alex Batdorf
Chief Get Sh!t Done Officer



How to Craft a Brand Worth Millions: Scaling Up and Beyond $1M! with Kendra Bracken-Ferguson, Founder, CEO & VC BrainTrust Founders Studio


How to Navigate the Uncertainty In Business Today; How to Recession-Proof Your Venture; Why A Social Contract is Key for Your Business