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Get Sh!t Done Mexico City X Anita B X Google Visionaries Gathering

Get Sh!t Done Mexico City X Anita B X Google Visionaries Gathering

Join us for an invitation-only in-person gathering in the heart of Mexico City for women entrepreneurs and women in tech.

Únase a nosotros para una reunión en persona solo por invitación en el corazón de la Ciudad de México para mujeres emprendedoras y mujeres en tecnología

When/Cuando: Thursday, June 20th

Time/Tiempo: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Location/Luga: Google Headquarters Mexico City (Lomas)


Fireside Chat: We will kick-off the evening with a fireside chat from the perspectives of successful women entrepreneurs (Paulina Canizales, I Quit & Alex Batdorf, Get Sh!t Done) and women successful in tech (Estef Acosta, Tik Tok & Frida Ruiz, Google) on growth opportunities to accelerate your business and career.

Fireside Chat: Comenzaremos la velada con una charla informal desde las perspectivas de mujeres emprendedoras exitosas (Paulina Canizales, I Quit & Alex Batdorf, Get Sh!t Done) y mujeres exitosas en tecnología (Estef Acosta, Tik Tok & Frida Ruiz, Google ) sobre oportunidades de crecimiento para acelerar su negocio y su carrera.

Connect with Remarkable Women Founders, Women in Tech, and Growth Allies: Establish intimate connections and conversations with fellow entrepreneurs and visionaries in Mexico City.

Conéctese con destacadas mujeres fundadoras, mujeres en la tecnología y Growth Allies: Establezca conexiones íntimas y conversaciones con compañeros emprendedores y visionarios en la Ciudad de México.

Unleash the Power of Collaboration: Explore synergies and partnership opportunities with like-minded individuals who share your passion for innovation and success.

Libere el poder de la colaboración: explore sinergias y oportunidades de asociación con personas con ideas afines que comparten su pasión por la innovación y el éxito.

Simply Enjoy Yourself: Let loose, have fun, and indulge in a morning filled with positive energy and excitement!

Simplemente diviértete: ¡déjate llevar, diviértete y disfruta de una mañana llena de energía positiva y emoción!

About EstefANI acosta (TIKTOK)

Estefani Acosta is currently in charge of the Creative Agency Partnerships at TikTok, she was part of the team that started operations of the B2B business in Mexico almost 3 years ago, where she helps brands and agencies to create valuable and impactful content on the platform. With a background in advertising, marketing and strategic partnerships, Estefani has worked for some of the biggest names in the advertising and media such as DDB, Ogilvy, Mullen Lowe, Getty Images, Vice and Magzter, making creativity a catalyst for great business ideas.

Estefani Acosta actualmente está a cargo de Creative Agency Partnerships en TikTok, formó parte del equipo que inició operaciones del negocio B2B en México hace casi 3 años, donde ayuda a marcas y agencias a crear contenido valioso e impactante en la plataforma. Con experiencia en publicidad, marketing y asociaciones estratégicas, Estefani ha trabajado para algunos de los nombres más importantes de la publicidad y los medios como DDB, Ogilvy, Mullen Lowe, Getty Images, Vice y Magzter, haciendo de la creatividad un catalizador para grandes ideas de negocios.


With a background in investment banking and finance, Paulina Canizales decided to become an entrepreneur in 2021 after spotting a niche for plant-based gastronomy in Mexico City. A self-funded project that started as a Dark Kitchen, “I Quit” is now the best-rated vegan bakery and coffee shop in the country, located in one of the most frequented neighborhoods in the city, Roma Norte. “I Quit” bet on culinary innovation and branding to differentiate itself.

As it name suggests, “I Quit” speaks to everyone who wants to leave behind a certain lifestyle or constraint. After two years focused on growing and consolidating its main location, Paulina is now ready to open a second shop in Guadalajara, Mexico. Although gastronomy and finance may sound like divergent fields, they complement each other well in Paulina’s journey towards building an innovative yet scalable business.


Frida Ruiz is an expert at the intersection of technical and strategic domains. Their ability to transform ideas into reality spans from conception and strategy to technical development, sales, reporting, and measurement. This cycle is repeated continuously until success is achieved. As an international workshop leader and speaker, d agency educational processes.

Frida Ruiz is an expert at the intersection of technical and strategic domains. Their ability to transform ideas into reality spans from conception and strategy to technical development, sales, reporting, and measurement. This cycle is repeated continuously until success is achieved. As an international workshop leader and speaker, Frida specializes in Artificial Intelligence, focusing on the implementation of AI strategies, technical talks on LLMs like GPT-4, computer vision, and natural language processing, among other topics. In the field of Machine Learning, they cover algorithms, the theory and history of ML, and the mathematics behind supervised and unsupervised learning. [Name] also explores the future of work, emphasizing skills, inspiration, and personal future forecasting. Regarding Python, they teach logic, programming principles, and advanced programming. Frida is the founder of the podcast "AI The New Sexy," available on multiple streaming platforms, where the implications of Artificial Intelligence across various industries and contexts are discussed. Additionally, they are a Value Based Bidding Specialist for SPLA at Google, responsible for the strategy for the Northern Cone, key metric reporting, and internal and agency educational processes.

Frida Ruiz es una experta en la intersección de dominios técnicos y estratégicos. Su capacidad para transformar ideas en realidad abarca desde la concepción y la estrategia hasta el desarrollo técnico, las ventas, los informes y la medición. Este ciclo se repite continuamente hasta lograr el éxito. Como líder de talleres y oradora internacional, Frida se especializa en Inteligencia Artificial, enfocándose en la implementación de estrategias de IA, charlas técnicas sobre LLM como GPT-4, visión por computadora y procesamiento del lenguaje natural, entre otros temas. En el campo del aprendizaje automático, cubren algoritmos, la teoría y la historia del aprendizaje automático, y las matemáticas detrás del aprendizaje supervisado y no supervisado. [Nombre] también explora el futuro del trabajo, enfatizando las habilidades, la inspiración y la previsión del futuro personal. En cuanto a Python, enseñan lógica, principios de programación y programación avanzada. Frida es la fundadora del podcast "AI The New Sexy", disponible en múltiples plataformas de streaming, donde se discuten las implicaciones de la Inteligencia Artificial en diversas industrias y contextos. Además, es especialista en ofertas basadas en valor para SPLA en Google, responsable de la estrategia para el Cono Norte, informes de métricas clave y procesos educativos internos y de agencia.

About Get Sh!t Done

We support Women Entrepreneurs in Growing Game-Changing Businesses that Disrupt Systems of Survival.  Through Collaboration, Curated Connections, and Transformative Traction Training, you’ll be empowered to scale your vision of impact alongside people who have done it and are doing it with you. 

Apoyamos a las mujeres emprendedoras en el crecimiento de negocios revolucionarios que alteran los sistemas de supervivencia.  A través de la colaboración, las conexiones seleccionadas y la capacitación sobre tracción transformadora, podrá ampliar su visión de impacto junto con las personas que lo han hecho y lo están haciendo con usted.



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#TractionClass & AMA: How to Setup Systems to Successfully Recruit & Onboard Talent with Veronica Yahns

#TractionClass & AMA: How to Setup Systems to Successfully Recruit & Onboard Talent with Veronica Yahns

What You Will Learn

  • 90% of your hires fail because the founder and company have not designed the right systems and processes to help them succeed.

    • Join us to chat through:

    • How to design your process

    • The frameworks you used to get it done (SOP's)

    • The questions asked to make decisions on systems used since platforms are contingent on the needs of the biz

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