How To Successfully Raise $4.9 Million and Build Beneficial Partnerships with Jordan Taylor, Co-Founder & CEO Medley

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Hey, It's Alex!

🍵 Here's Your Weekly Tea

The business world can be exhausting AF. It can be a big ol’ sh!t show of blanketed statements and advice often coming from people who have never built anything themselves. It’s so easy for founders to get wrapped up in the angst of it all by trying to follow generalizations that send you down a doom spiral. When I started my first company in college, I spent time reading articles on the "habits of highly successful people" and felt like a failure. These habits typically entailed waking up at 4AM, running a marathon, tackling your to-do list, and all before 7AM before the rest of the world got up because "that’s what winners did!" Quite frankly - f**k those lists, f**k blanketed advice, and f**k this exhausting "entrepreneurship in a box" culture we’ve created that's killing us. Here’s what I want you to do - Do you boo. If you’re like me, you’re not waking up before 8 AM unless it’s a cheap flight. If you are a morning person, that’s great too. All that matters is that you show up and work in the way you’re designed. Why follow someone else’s blueprint when you have your own?

Let's get into your weekly briefing!


Founder: Jordan Taylor | Company: Medley | Location: New York, NY

Receipts: From successful consultant to entrepreneurial Queen, Jordan has successfully built a community-based business that has so far raised $4.9 Million by leveraging relationships and building a strong community.

Here's your traction playbook...

How To Successfully Raise Money At The Pre-seed Stage

Gain Traction - Raising money is hard as hell, and seeking funding is not for the faint at heart. One of the best way to improve your odds is by gaining as much traction as possible in the early stages. Medley's first few investor meetings were met with several no's. Despite their combined successes in business, few believed in their vision. They were able to successfully get pre-seed funding by showing traction in the form of customer growth. Here's how they showed continuous growth.

🛠️ TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...
Here's what traction looks like in early stage startups. Build Your Traction Strategy: Access our traction tracker that has increased revenues 5000% here. Finding The Right Product-Market Fit: Here's how Nicole Bassett found the right product-market fit and crafted a successful go-to-market strategy.

How to Create Successful Partnerships

Don't Be Afraid To Be Vulnerable - "It is scary to put yourself out there. There’s a vulnerability in that." -Jordan Taylor. Building partnerships is a lot like sales, expect several no's along the way. The fact is, not everyone will believe in what you're doing, and not every partnership will be the right fit. The more rejections you get, the closer you are to closing deals that will grow your business. So don't be afraid of putting your business out there!

🛠️ TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...
Here are the 5 key components of a successful strategic business alliance.  Master Partnerships: Learn how SaLisa Berrien used partnerships to build a customer-base and scale growth here.

How to Build Successful Influencer Programs

Focus on Experiences and Not Promotion - The Medley Maker Program is a sort after program with hundreds of people on their waitlist at any given moment. Jordan and her co-founder achieved this success by focusing on improving their customer's experiences on the platform and not on promotion. In exchange for being on the program, users share their feedback. This gives Medley useful insight on how they can improve their services and attract and retain even more customers.

Support Jordan in Scaling Impact: If you are interested in joining Medley, sign up for their waitlist here and use getsh!tdone as your referral code to  get a $50 discount!

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  • November 10th @ 12pm EST | The Don't and Don't-You-Dares of Copywriting: Join copywriting expert Kate Bradley Chernis for a tactical, cliff-notes-style run-through of writing essentials that will make you lean forward and think DUH.. RSVP here.

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