How to Scale a 7-Figure Hair Care Movement (Tendai Morris, Healthy Hair Solutions)-Get Sh!t Done Podcast.

Here's what you'll learn from Tendai:

Here’s what you’ll learn from Tendai:

Here's what you're going to learn from Tendai, founder of Healthy Hair:

  • How she built a killer distribution strategy with an army of stylists/salons

  • How she created the "My Natural is My Natural" Movement.

  • How she nails productizing to scale by getting in the trenches to listen to what her customers need.

  • And more…

  • Subscribe & Rate Now. #getsshitdonepodcast #getsshitdonepodcast #shegetsshitdone

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How to Raise $11M in 16 Months Post-Launch through Community (Betsy Fore, Tiny Organics)-Get Shit Done Podcast


How Staying Ready Prepared Her to Raise Series A (Somdutta Singh, Assiduus)-Get Sh!t Done Podcast.