How to Be the 1st to Market & The Best - Building the Minimum Lovable Product (Judith Erwin, Grasshopper Bank) - Get Sh!t Done Podcast

"I ended up with 110 investors & $133 Million in Total." I learned about Judith Erwin through a friend that works for her a couple of months ago. I stopped dead in my tracks when I found out that she is the founding CEO of Grasshopper Bank - the 1st FULLY digital bank in the US.

“I ended up with 110 investors & $133 Million in Total.”

I learned about Judith Erwin through a friend that works for her a couple of months ago.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I found out that she is the founding CEO of Grasshopper Bank - the 1st FULLY digital bank in the US.

WHY was I just hearing about her? The hype around millennial entrepreneurs is deafening BUT 45+ are doin' the damn thang. #NumbersDontLieCheckTheScoreBoard

Even though she raised a TON of money, the amount of $ Judith raised is not the most interesting about what she's built. I just knew y’all would click 💁‍♀️

What’s more interesting is how she approaches building her company as the 1st to market.

Yes. Entrepreneurs are building the plane while it’s flying but when you are 1st to market, you’re not only building the plane while it’s flying, you're also doing it while it’s pitch black!

Here is what I love and have learned about Judith and how she’s winning at being the first:

  • How she’s built alongside her customer through what her team calls getting to the “Most Lovable Product.”

  • How to build the best team by always recruiting —> She interviews 5 people/week when she’s not hiring. That's 4X that when she is hiring.

  • How she raised a record $133M in core capital with 3 women + a man of color but almost lost it all in a matter of 2 hours.

#getsshitdonepodcast #shegetsshitdone

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