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How to Build Partnerships & Scale a Movement with Maria Boustead, founder of PoCampo

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"The best collaborations create something BIGGER than the sum each person can create on their own."

Can you guess the #1 thing founders waste too much time and $$$ on in the early stages?

Paid Marketing.

Unless you have a big-ass budget, paid marketing for 99% of early-stage revenue companies ends up being a leaky bucket of cash that you probably don't have to spare.

However, can you guess one of the TOP traction channels that we see consistently work for companies in building awareness organically?


Ready to learn how one queen grew 182% YOY by building partnerships?

What we'll brief you on:

  • How to not fall in the "build it and they will come" trap.

  • How to navigate being early or first to market.

  • How to develop meaningful partnerships with both small and larger brands. Hint: Both are impactful.

  • How to amplify your partnerships through an omnichannel approach.

  • Boosting the bottom line via an AOV and/or Acquisition approach.

HERE'S YOUR TRACTION BRIEFING:  How to Build Partnerships & Grow a Movement

Founder: Maria Boustead | Company: Po Campo | Location: New York, NY

Receipts before PoCampo

Maria started as an industrial designer creating physical products. Her first job straight outta college was sewing together lunch bags for mass-market audiences for companies like Target and Walmart.


How do you keep it cute while biking around? If you're like me, you're extra when you bike. Not even kidding - I bike in heels because I can :) However, if you're also like me, you lug around a purse that is the entrepreneur's version of Marry Poppins, which is not suitable for bikes. Not anymore!


Po Campo is your solution to keepin' it cute while you scoot (or bike ;) There's actually a fancy term for this market - Micromobility and it's kind of a big deal. It's a $44B market that's set to grow to $214B by 2030. They're the solution to those of us who are exploring alternatives to cars and trains and need the appropriate bags to commute

If you Build it, they will NOT come.

Here’s the thing - no one is checking for you and your business. As founders, we are proud parents who often think people will love what we created as much as we do. So of course, they’ll find us - right?! NOPE. Maria had to get over this hurdle. As someone with a design background, she was taught that if you can design something AMAZING, they will come. However, people usually come when they're aware it exists and it addresses a need or desire. Don't get it twisted - a good product or service is ESSENTIAL but that's not what attracts your audience initially. That's part of what keeps them.

Getting distracted when you are early or first to market.

Similar to Judith, Maria was super early to market. What helped to produce a bit of traction early on is what hurt Maria later. They designed stylish bags across different product categories from biking to yoga. Maria breaks down that while it got them some traction, it limited their ability to scale by splitting focus. This forced them to return to what truly mattered to them - making micromobility better and more seamless. Maria learned how to "cut off the dead branches so the tree would grow"  by listening to the "data, not drama". Learn how she did it here.

Develop Your Startup Partnership Strategy

"Choose a brand that’s either bigger than you or cooler than you". This is how Maria mastered partnerships. TIP: Going big is NOT always best.  Smaller brand partnerships can be just as exciting or more. Get the full breakdown of how she navigates partnerships strategically based on the value add for each.

Omni-Channel is Everything!

"Each of our channels is a storefront". While channels like wholesale may not give you the full margins of DIY, it enables brand awareness, R&D, and gives you the language you need to communicate effectively in the market. Maria walks through how online and offline are symbiotic. Get the strategy breakdown here.

Average Order Value vs. Customer Acquisition

Maria breaks down how it's important to nail your acquisition strategy BUT you also need to be thinking of increasing AOV (average order value). This takes the pressure off of having to acquire, acquire, acquire. While acquisition is important, increasing AOV with new and existing customers builds a solid business. Even if you're not a product-based company, this still applies but is typically referred to through other KPI's like average revenue per user, etc. Get Maria’s strategy for how she increases AOV.

BONUS: Product Pulsing?

THIS IS MY FAVORITE TRCK Maria shares. Before Maria’s team goes all in on a new product, they do product pulsing by sourcing products from OEM (original equipment manufacturers) to limit the risks. In her world this is sourcing small runs of products before going all in and customizing it to their vision. If you have a product-based business, Learn how you can leverage this strategy.

Where You Can Support Maria?

If you are in the active or outdoor space - connect with Maria here to discuss how to collaborate.

PARTNERSHIP MOVES: How to Collaborate & Grow brand Awareness

  • Check out 8 examples of Smaller Company & Larger Company Partnerships

  • Have you ever considered doing a co-branded partnership? Check out how these companies did it. TIP: These are big ass companies with big ass budgets. Think out of the box and on a budget ;)  

  • Did you know that 90% of corporations believe that collaboration is essential to promoting innovation? Learn how smaller companies can navigate partnerships with corporate and how to make the relationship work here.

  • Collaboration Compatability Checklist! Try this assessment to determine if you and a potential collaborator are on the same page. This will help you save time and $$$

TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

Here are some tools that will help you build awareness and develop partnerships<3

  • Learn how she Increased revenues 60% through partnerships here.

  • Use tools like Google Docs to create proposals or Canva to create ready-made decks.

  • Learn how to NOT get screwed in partnerships and bounce back like a G if you do here.

  • Want to do collaborations with big brands? While it takes much more time, it can pay off big. Learn how to master enterprise sales here.

  • Learn how to take the "Data, Not Drama" approach to gain clarity around partnerships you can create here


Explore community membership here.


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