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Master Connections = Build A Multi-Million Dollar Business - Here's How She Did It with Susan McPherson, founder McPherson Strategies

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🍵 Here's Your Weekly Tea

"We cannot be what we cannot see." Last week, the founder of Patagonia put his money where his mouth is and showed us what scaling generational impact can look like. Here’s the thing - your business will NOT save the world. Many startups seeking cash tend to partake in saviorism tactics because it makes who they’re pitching to "feel good" and quite frankly, it’s an ego boost. If done well, your company can serve - not save. However, what happens when many companies focus on serving the collective? That’s where impact lives. Toxic capitalism and the people who benefit from it, want the current system to stay in place and will tell you that what Yvon Chouinard has done with Patagonia "will not work". News flash - the current system doesn't work for 99%. Can Patagonia as a company by itself end climate change? No. But the intentional action by its founder gave us a new model of impact we can see to envision what we can become. When we start seeing, more of us can start being. That’s impact.

Let's get into your weekly briefing!


Founder: Susan McPherson | Company: McPherson Strategies | Location: New York, NY

Receipts: Susan is a connections wizard! She started and scaled a multi-million dollar business utilizing her strong connections, great sales techniques and hiring a winning team.

Here's your traction playbook...

How Successful Founders Get Sh!t Done

Develop The Lost Art of Connecting: "I believe the fundamental difference between networking and connecting is leading with how you can be helpful to others. And when you’re helpful to others, the help comes back." There's a lot that goes into developing a strong business connection. Similar to how you would approach personal relationships, fostering strong business connections depends on what you can do improve the life of the people you are connecting with. When was the last time you spoke to someone who made it all about them? Wasn't fun was it?

How To Build A Business Quickly

Invest In Good People: You're great at what you do - but you can't kill it at everything. Part of Susan's quick success was finding a team that could do what she couldn't and do it amazingly. While she's great at building connections, she didn't want to get stuck in the minutia of building a business. The result was quick growth that contributed to her company's success.

How To Close A Sale

Look for Signals: To successfully close a sale, you need to be a master conversationalist. That means learning to listen intently. In your listening, look for signals of your prospect's hopes and dreams because if you can be able to deliver some of their hopes and dreams then they will buy anything from you. Of course only promise to deliver what you actually can.

Support Susan in Scaling Impact: If you know any organizations looking for help with impact focused communication, send them their way. To learn more about her successful networking strategies, get her book here!

TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

  • Mental Health Circle: The Last 100 Days of 2022 - Preventing Exhaustion: Learn how to effectively manage the pressure and expectations that come from career and entrepreneurship. Join us here.

  • Time Management for Founders: Learn how to successfully manage your time so you can do more. Join us here.

  • What is a Buying Signal?: Understand when your prospect is ready and willing to buy here.

  • Build Authentic Business Relationships: Learn here how to build business relationships that are mutually beneficial.

  • Identify The Right Hires: Learn here how our Queen Kaitlyn Knopp was able to find the right team to help her scale her business.

  • Building Mutually Beneficial Partnerships: Tanya Van Court built a fintech platform primarily by fostering her relationships. Learn how here.

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Join our community membership waitlist here.


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