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How She Bootstrapped Her Consultancy to 7 Figures; Deconstructing the Sales Scarcity Mindset; Operationalizing Business Process with Stephanie Neale, CEO Blind Zebra

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Hey, It's Alex! 💛

Welcome to your Weekly Traction Briefing - your 5-min weekly growth playbook where we break down what's happening in business, how to Get Sh!t Done, and how to grow. If this briefing is helpful to you, share it with your friends so they can grow with you & thousands of other entrepreneurs.


Instead of tea this week, I’m sending love to the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem. Whether you banked with SVB or not, this was a major loss. This bank collapse did NOT need to happen. It had nothing to do with the economy. It was a combination of unsound management choices, shaped by poor public policy, that could have been salvaged if not for a bank run caused and isolated to a few folks in VC. This was the domino effect - an unnecessary frenzy that led to collective powerlessness - stressed founders feeling powerless and afraid of whether or not they’d have enough money to make it through. Panic for vendors working with those companies that didn’t know whether or not they’d get paid. As one of the ONLY banks that took a risk on early-stage companies, this leaves an even larger gap in the funding environment for founders who already lacked funding options. This should be a reminder that we are ALL interconnected. The problem? There are too many in the ecosystem that lack the incentives to be team players. F**k a hero’s journey. Every inch of your journey will always include people on the ride with you, whether you see them or not. For an ecosystem to work, there must be reciprocity. SVB did NOT receive that reciprocity. We gotta move away from the “hero” mentality to a collective mentality. I’m not the hero. You’re not the hero. But what we can achieve together is heroic. The moment we think we’re at it alone is when things collapse and we create a collective villain. I’ll release a full statement this week here. In the meantime, show up for each other. For better or worse, we all we got.

🤗BECOME A MEMBER: Ready to grow your business? Join a powerful, hyper-connected, and supportive community helping you grow your business, reduce overwhelm, and teaching you how to hit goals consistently. Explore our membership HERE. Accepting New Members for Q1 2023 until March 31st.

👑 Founder: Stephanie Neale | Company: Blind Zebra | Location: Indianapolis, IN

🧾 Receipts:  Steph is a tenured and self-proclaimed sales chick who has been able to bootstrap a traditional consulting business (avg $600k ARR) to scalable model ($3M in ARR) in 10 quarters. She's also been able to increase annual bookings by 85% through a direct and partnership focused webinar strategy.


Deconstruct The Scarcity Mindset

Ground Yourself In Abundance - Blind Zebra takes a unique approach to sales that centers around the concept of abundance. The company believes that developing an abundance mindset early on can help sales professionals become more effective leaders. An abundance mindset involves recognizing that there are always plenty of leads and opportunities available, which can lead to greater confidence and enthusiasm in sales pitches. This approach allows salespeople to approach their work with a positive attitude and a proactive mindset, which can ultimately lead to greater success. Learn how she's done it twice HERE.

: Learn how Kristi Zuhlke, was able to grow sales and get to an exit HERE.

Streamline Your Business Processes

Document Everything - "Start with the end in mind. If you are building something, document it. Figure out what you're doing and as you grow, you have somewhere to go back and edit and iterate. From an operational perspective, get some systems in place now." - Stephanie Neale. Proper documentation of business processes is critical, regardless of the size of your company. Without clear documentation, it can be challenging to identify inefficiencies or determine where mistakes were made. By documenting your processes early and consistently, you can streamline operations, identify areas for improvement, and keep everyone in the organization on the same page. HERE's how Steph did it.

🛠️ MORE TOOLS TO GET IT DONE: Learn how to streamline your business processes and make them more repeatable HERE.

Change Your Money Script

Understand Your Financial Trauma - "I find I do more coaching with females around money and money scripts, way more than men. I have women more than men, have guilt associated with money. They have these hang ups around making too much or being too much. I have some seen self sabotage when you start to reach certain levels." - Stephanie Neale . Learn more on financial trauma HERE.

🛠️ MORE TOOLS TO GET IT DONE :Understand your relationship with money HERE.


  • Wednesday, March 15th @ 1pm EST: How to NOT Suck at Pitching Your Startup. RSVP

  • Thursday, March 23rd @ 1pm EST: Q2 2023 Planning Party: Create Your Growth Strategy, Plan & KPIs. RSVP

  • Wednesday, March 29th @ 1pm EST: Ethical Storytelling for Founders: How to Sell Your Vision with Confidence. RSVP

  • Thursday, March 30th @ 7pm EST: Tea & Town Hall ☕. RSVP


Learn the step by step process to craft a winning sales deck.
Learn how to scale by mastering different growth channels in the Traction Library.

🤗 BECOME A MEMBER: Ready to grow you? Join a powerful, hyper-connected, and supportive network helping you grow your business, reduce overwhelm, and teaching you how to hit goals consistently. Explore our membership HERE.


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With Love & Impact,

Alex Batdorf
Chief Get Sh!t Done Officer


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