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Founder Money Trauma (We Feel You); Master Guerrilla Marketing To Grow Your Customer-Base with Shiloh Johnson, founder ComplYant

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"We have to take a step back and get back to the management side before we can start to do some of these wealth creation things." - Shiloh Johnson

Hey, It's Alex!

Financial money management is a challenge that many founders face - especially early on.

Our relationship with money from as early as in our childhood knowingly or unknowingly affects our financial decisions.

It takes a lot of introspection to unlearn some bad habits that we've developed with time - but this process is very necessary.

You can't build wealth if you can't manage your money.

Let's get into it...

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Founder: Shiloh Johnson | Company: ComplYantApp | Location: Los Angeles, CA

Receipts: She scaled a multi-million dollar tax compliance platform through grassroots marketing and relevant partnerships.

Here's your traction playbook...

How To Use Grassroots Marketing Strategies To Build Your Brand

Low Barrier To Entry: Generating much-needed and valuable content is perhaps one of the easiest ways to break into your industry. Not only does it help other businesses but it also solidifies your position as an authority on a particular subject.

Lesson - Shiloh learned early-on in her career and in her business journey that she had knowledge to offer. Before she could sell anyone on her business, she had to teach them what the problem was, and why they needed to address it. This strategy peaked interest with other people and other brands jumped on board. Her advice, don't do anything extravagant. Start small! Here is her advice for founders looking to leverage this strategy.

Here's how to use grassroots marketing to make an impact.

How Money Trauma Affects Small Businesses - And How To Get Past It

It Starts In Childhood: While money-trauma is discussed in personal money management, we rarely discuss how it haunts founders. Your relationship with money can and will affect how you make financial business decisions. Anxiety around money and money management stems from our childhood.

Lesson - You're not alone. 1 in 4 Americans suffer from financially-induced post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. The biggest money trauma for most small businesses is how to maintain and how to grow. Before you can focus on wealth creation, you need to master money management. Taking active steps to understand your relationship with money and finding the best money management techniques will help your business grow. Learn why managing financial trauma is the

Click here to learn how to overcome past financial trauma and increase your wealth.

How To Identify Unique Channels To Help Scale Your Business

Understand Your Industry: Understanding your industry gives you the ability to identify unique ways you can fulfill your customers' needs. For ComplYant, that meant working with key industry players to reach more people who would benefit from her services.

Lesson -  "Sometimes it’s thinking about who else is affected in your circle and going to them and using them as an upshot to get to the end user." - Shiloh Johnson
Shiloh understood the impact municipalities and local governments played in building her business. By gaining their trust, she was able to leverage their support and reach out to more customers. Here's how partnership marketing worked for this business.

Here are the powerful benefits of partnership marketing

Support Shiloh in Scaling Impact

Here's how you can support Shiloh: Participate and share their webinars with your network. Also engage with them on all their social media platforms (@complyant)

Here's Your Weekly Tea

Startup layoffs hit crypto and real estate companies hard as funding opportunities dry up. Looking to raise VC this year? Checks are drying up due to over-inflated rounds the past 2 years. It's not that VC's don't have the $. They do but they're saving cash reserves for current portfolio companies in case they meet despair and companies with outstanding traction. Don't believe it? Funding is on track to drop another 19% by the end of June, according to Scott Galloway.

TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

  • How To Master Partnership Marketing: The right partnerships helped this company tremendously grow their customer-base. Find out how COI Energy mastered this strategy here.

  • Master Budgeting: Here's how budgeting and money management helped Jennifer Eden scale a 7-figure business.

  • Grassroots Marketing: Learn about grassroot marketing and how to run successful grassroots marketing campaigns here.

  • Use Webinars To Generate Leads: Here are 9 tips on how to use webinars to generate more leads.


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