Get Sh!t Done

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Sell or Die: How To Use Sales Income To Bootstrap A $Multi-Million Business with Kishau Rogers, Founder & CEO Time Study

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Hey, It's Alex!

🍵 Here's Your Weekly Tea

Remember that scene from Waiting to Exhale when THE Angela Bassett burns down her two-timing husband's sh!t? It was iconic. It needed to happen. This is how I feel about the tech world right now. We need to burn a lot of this sh!t down and clean house  - "Get yo sh!t and get out!". Supposedly, some bros are "warning" against irresponsible innovation. So what the hell is it? Ultimately, it comes down to building tech with integrity rooted in anticipation, reflexivity, inclusion, and responsiveness. This in theory is cool but it’s an illusion. First, there’s not much literature on responsible innovation, which should be the first red flag. In addition, many companies scaling innovation quickly (typically VC-backed) have misaligned priorities. Their goal is to grow by any means necessary and make a lot of money, fast. Well, a lot of things get broken that way. So if we’re gonna talk about "responsible innovation" we gotta be real about how that can happen when there is no accountability built into the current system. Either we need to burn some sh!t down and start from scratch or watch it self implode and take down a lot of things we care about with it. Either way - burn baby burn.

Let's get into your weekly briefing!


Founder: Kishau Rogers | Company: Time Study | Location: New York, NY

Receipts: Kishau has 20+ years in engineering. From creating awesome products to managing software engineering teams, she's done it all. She's now a remarkable Founder/CEO who has grown her company 3x YOY while achieving 0% churn.

Here's your traction playbook...

How to Grow Your Company Using Your Sales

Product-Market Fit Can Only Do So Much - You might have a great product that solves a need, but if people are not willing to pay for it, then it's simply not a viable product. Focusing on your sales is a great way to know what your customers are willing to pay for, what problems your customers actually want you to solve, and not what you think/feel they need solved. It realigns your business goals to things that actually matter and things that put real dollars in your bank account.

How to Master Selling

Focus On The Entire Sales Funnel - Great sales is a multistep process. From the moment you reach out to cold prospects to when your leads become return customers. Time Study has mastered the art of selling by making each step of the sales funnel as important as the last. They have also been able to nail this by having repeatable systems and processes in place that ensures that the quality of service they give each lead is the same across each step. Learn more here.

🛠️ TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...
How to get it done...
Here's how to create an effective sales funnel. How Selling Bootstrapped A 6-Figure Consultancy To A 7-Figure Services Business. Here's how sales guru Stephanie Neale slays sales.

How to Get A 0% Churn

Be Customer Focused - "Having customer service be at the center of your business is really important. Because it’s not just fixing problems, it’s finding out what your customers think day to day when they interface with your product. That helps you to understand where you need to make adjustments. You’re going to learn a lot of things you are assuming are wrong." - Kishau Rogers
Your customer is Queen. And no, that doesn't mean that they are always right, but because they are your source of income, their experience and feedback is invaluable to your business. Learning to listen to what they are saying, listening to their pain points and being quick to address any issues that arise is a great way of retaining customers and keeping them happy. This strategy has largely contributed to their 0% churn.

🛠️ TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

The three leading causes of customer churn here. How To Achieve 0% Churn: Here's exactly how SaLisa Berrien mastered customer delight and that led to 0% churn.

Support Courtney in Scaling Impact: If you know any execs(particularly in hospitals) send them to She’s also aggressively hiring roles in tech, sales, customer service and more. If you are looking for an innovative company to join, reach out to them.

🤓 ACCESS YOUR TRACTION LIBRARY: Whether you are struggling with a limited budget or don’t know what channels to focus on, the Get Sh!t Done Traction Library is here to support you. Access your library here.

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  • November 18th @ 1pm EST | Founders Mental Health Circle: Debunking The Perfect Mindset Myth: There is no such thing as the perfect mindset. Take a break from all the expectations. RSVP here.

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