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How To Get To A 98% Sales Conversion Rate and Hit A 12,000% Engagement Rate!🤯 with Kate Bradley Chernis, Co-Founder & CEO Lately

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Hey, It's Alex!

🍵 Here's Your Weekly Tea

Last week, I spoke to a community of entrepreneurs just starting. Someone asked my thoughts on branding. Around the same time, someone else asked if I could stop using cuss words while I spoke. I proceeded with my potty mouth and the person who didn't like the cussing decided it wasn't for them. I respected the hell out of that decision! It was the PERFECT case study in real time. One of the primary failures I see founders make in positioning is trying to be for everybody. Sorry to break it to ya babe but you're not selling air . While it's important to be clear on who you serve, it's just as important to know who you do NOT serve. When you aren't clear on the latter, your brand doesn't stand for anything and suffers in communication from sales to marketing to fundraising, etc. The coolest thing about what happened was that it was clear who our brand spoke to based on who showed up and stayed and who left. I LOVE THAT! Indifference leads to inaction. Great brands make you want to do something.

Let's get into your weekly briefing!


Founder: Kate Bradley Chernis | Company: Lately | Location: New York, NY

Receipts: AI tech co-founder, Kate is the queen of marketing and sales. She's been able to get Lately to nearly a million in ARR, has raised 3.7 million, hit 98% conversion rates and increased her clients' engagement by 12,000%.

Here's your traction playbook...

How To Get A 98% Sales Conversion

Build Trust - Lately has been able to hit 98% conversion by building trust, not only with their community but across their entire industry. Using their own technology, they have created content that resonates with their target audience. This has worked really well for them. According to Kate Bradley Chernis, Lately has been mentioned by someone online at least once everyday. They are now seen as an authority in their field and have so far been able to hit a staggering 98% conversion rate!

🛠️ TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...
Everything starts with trust. Learn more here. Slay Your Sales: Learn here how Sophia Stone scaled a 7-Figure Fintech business by mastering sales. 5 Ways To Build Trust In Your Sales Processes: Here.  

How to Kill It At Marketing

Master One Thing At A Time -  "You don’t have to be everything to everyone, you only have to do one thing really well. And once you can do that well then you can do the next thing. So don’t do paid, owned, and earned - don’t do it all. Pick one. Pick one channel." - Kate Bradley Chernis. Taking a one-channel-at-a-time approach gives you the opportunity to master each one. It also gives you more insight into what's working for your business and what's not. Because let's face it, not every marketing channel is right for your needs.

🛠️ TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...
Here are the 4 P's in marketing that you need to consider when choosing a marketing strategy. What Marketing Channels Should You Add To Your Strategy?: Here's how to determine which channels will work best for your business and long-term goals.

How to Navigate The Ups and Downs of Entrepreneurship

Timing is Everything - Entrepreneurship is lawless. It comes with constant ups and downs, and you will probably fuck up more than once. Kate's greatest takeaway from her broad experience is that timing is everything. Every mistake that they have ever made has led them to where they are and will be a factor in their continued success. So when the lows get low, know that they are stepping stones for greater things to come.

Support Kate in Scaling Impact: Kate is looking for investment to help her scale Lately even further. Feel free to connect with her here

🛠️ JOIN A COLLABORATION: Get it done together...

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  • October 26th @ 1PM: Operations Office Hours & #AskMeAnything: Get feedback on how to set up and scale your company operations. RSVP here.

  • October 27th @ 6PM: How to Navigate Setbacks in Entrepreneurship: Get the frameworks for getting to your most brilliant ideas following a setback. RSVP here.

  • November 10th @ 12pm EST | The Don't and Don't-You-Dares of Copywriting: Join copywriting expert Kate Bradley Chernis for a tactical, cliff-notes-style run-through of writing essentials that will make you lean forward and think DUH.. RSVP here.

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