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How $15K in Savings Scaled to $1 million in 12 months with Breanne Acio, founder Sekr

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Hey, It's Alex!

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"I don't get why people fight what is. It is what it is. If you don't like it, do something different." I heard this for the first time a few years ago. I live by it now, especially how I leverage my business to scale impact. It echoed in my head when I saw the news about Andressen Horowitz backing Adam Neumann (again) and the fury it sparked. Men failing forward is not new. It is what it is. Is it irritating AF? Yup. But you know what’s more frustrating? Collective rage ignited by expectations of systems rooted in self-interest to change. It is what it is but the reaction is like deja vu. Our time and energy are valuable. What if we did something different?

Let's get into your weekly briefing!


Founder: Breanne Acio | Company: Sekr | Location: San Diego, CA

Receipts: Breanne has been able to bootstrap a company to $1 million in 12 months and raise $3 million for another by creating a strong and authentic community that was passionate about her vision and mission.

Here's your traction playbook...

How To Validate Your Problem

Find Out What People Want: Having a conviction in your idea can only go so far. You need to understand if there is actually a problem that you are solving and if the market is receptive to your idea. In her initial stages of Sekr, Breanne employed the lean startup model. While It might not great for everything, it taught her how to validate problems without spending money.

How To Recruit Top Talent With Limited Resources

People want to be something that is bigger than themselves: "People want to have an impact and I was giving them an opportunity to have an impact." - Breanne Acio. In her first year of creating Sekr, Breanne had a dedicated team who chose to work for her free of charge! How did she manage do this? She found people who truly believed in her mission. People who were motivated by what she was doing and who wanted to have an impact within the same space.

How To Creating Networks Plays A Factor In Helping You Raise

Get Champions In Your Corner: It's all about building relationships. A strong network will not only put you in connection with the right people, but they will also act as your champions - encouraging you to pursue different avenues and ultimately help you realize your potential. What Breanne did well when seeking funding was creating a network and finding role models who pushed her in the right direction and helped her believe in herself.

Support Breanne in Scaling Impact: Tell people about Sekr! Download the app on Google Play and other app stores. She is also currently looking for capital investors.

TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

  • Fearless Fund's Education Day: A hybrid experience tailored towards educating founders on everything about VC and entrepreneurship. Get your tickets and more info here.

  • How To Find Top Talent In A Competitive Market: Find out here  how Kaitlyn Knopp was able to hire the best team in a competitive hiring market.

  • How To Validate Your Idea: Here's how Tiffany Dufu was able to validate her concept by creating a landing page.

  • Maximize Your Network To Increase Funding: We speak a lot about networking. Here's exactly how it plays a role in helping you raise funds for your startup.

  • The Lean Startup: This scientific methodology helps you get your product to your customers faster.

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