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How to Scale & Prioritize Impact: Building A Sustainable Business Model with Bianca Tylek, Founder & Executive Director Worth Rises

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Do you want equity or do you want power? This is a question I ask founders often. As visionaries, we tend to have grandiose ideas about "changing the world" where we are the "good guy." In our narratives about changing the world, we may not realize when we have taken on the same tactics of the "bad guys" in order to get ahead. This keeps oppressive systems in place. Growth at all costs will either kill your business, kill your soul, or kill both. I'm sure that sounds pretty dramatic but it's real. We have watched how growth at all costs has tainted the business ecosystem through mass layoffs, founders going to prison, burnout, and don't even get Greta started on climate change. Growth at all costs doesn't create equity. When your company strives for growth at all costs, it's a co-sign enabling oppressive systems to thrive as long as you receive the benefits as an individual despite the harm it does to everyone else. That's not equity. That's greed. So be real - do you want equity or do you want to trade places with the oppressor? Choose wisely.

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Founder: Bianca Tylek | Company: Worth Rises | Location: New York, NY

Receipts: Bianca Tylek is the ultimate prison reform powerhouse! With a background in finance and years of experience in the criminal justice field, she's taking on the prison industry one victory at a time. From making jail phone calls free to blocking a major merger and denying prison profiteers millions of dollars, Bianca is making a real difference for inmates and their families.

Here's your traction playbook...

How Startups Can Approach Growth & Its Effects On Their Ecosystem

What's Your Impact? - " The question is: If you are really as smart as you think you are and if you have quite the idea that you think you do, can you do it without taking others around you down? Can you do it while building others around you up? Can you do it while building communities and those that have the least? "- Bianca Tylek. At a time when the corporate world is increasingly focused on profit and growth, Bianca's message is a refreshing reminder that companies have a responsibility to consider their impact on society and the environment. While growth is still core to an organization's longevity, if it comes at the cost of the greater good of the community or individuals -  then that organization will not last. It's time to think beyond just scaling up and focus on the impact your growth has on the ecosystem. With a little bit of planning and a lot of intention, you can make sure that your growth not only benefits your business but also the community around you. Here are her recommendations for how companies should approach growth and scale.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...

Here are the keys to making a big impact as a startup. How businesses test and learn through experiments here. How to tap into meaningful relationships to scale impact. Learn from Susan McPherson, CEO of McPherson Strategies here.

How To Create Accountability Within Your Organization

Embrace Radical Candor - Radical candor is the key to ethical accountability! Let's be real, being a business leader comes with a lot of responsibility and it can be tough to make the right decisions all the time. But if you create an open and honest line of communication, you don't have to do it alone. When you surround yourself with people who are willing to be honest and transparent, it helps you stay accountable to your values and make the right choices. You need a team of people who will tell you what you need to hear, even if it's not what you want to hear. And that's how you'll be able to make the best decisions for your company and your community. Learn more here.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ TRACTION TOOLS: How to get it done...
How to challenge people without being a jerk. Get an in-depth guide here. How startups can create accountability in there organizations Here's what Candice Cook, Chief Strategy Officer recommends.

How Companies Can Stay Accountable when Others Are Not

Define What Success Looks Like To You - Beyond The Financial - "At Worth Rises, we donโ€™t view scaling as the goal. We view impact as the goal. Our organization will only be as big as the problem needs us to be." - Bianaca Tylek. It's all too easy to get caught up in the rat race and lose sight of what truly matters. But with a clear sense of purpose, you'll be able to stay focused and make decisions that align with your values. This means taking a long-term view and thinking about the impact your business has on the community, the environment, and society as a whole. Early on, Bianca knew that financial success would not be their primary measure of success for her company. And although not many companies can take this approach, it's important to identify why your company exists and who it serves. This will help you create non-financial goals that will still have an impact on the society.

Support Bianca in Scaling Impact: You can find Bianca here and you can also learn more about Worth Rises here.

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